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Saturday 23 January 2021

Little Diamond Kitty - an Obituary

 "Man is effect not by events but by the view he takes of them." Seneca                                                                              Little diamond, black white and orange coloured dainty beautiful lady cat was born somewhere on the street in my neighborhood in 2017. For a while she came for meals to my Cats' Table. Then one day, watching my little indoor treasures eating from a big bowl, I discovered Kitty among them, acting as if she's always been living inside my house. The other cats accepted her straight away, which they don't do with all new comers. In the beginning Kitty used to go out for a bit, maybe for 2 or 3 hours, and always returned to the new house she had chosen or should I say she adopted us? She purred a lot, wonderful. In April 2018 Kitty started to cough. The vet recommended Marbocyl and it got better. In January 2019 Kitty got on heat. We had to get her spayed and neutered, unfortunately. Poor little darling, after that she calmed down , felt relaxed again. She always stayed dainty and remained gentle, no arguments with anyone. When I got up in the morning (apart from Tiger and Sandy sleeping with us in the bedroom) Kiddy was always the first one to greed and spoil me with her sweet purring. One day I discovered that she wasn't eating well, often just pretending to eat and loosing weight. She emptied a cupboard shelf in the kitchen and decided to sleep there. I padded the space with a soft blanket. From time to time she came to sit on my lap. I served her chicken with rice and carrots in order to make her stronger again and she seemed to enjoy it. When the vet took blood from her for testing, the result was really shocking, her kidneys working very badly. A blood transfusion would have been great and might have saved her life, but we are here in Tunisia. I felt so helpless. The vet tried in vain to save her life. My sweet little darling left us. Every cat is different, has her own story, her special character. One of the most stupid sentences I heard here: One cat goes, another one comes, why mourn, there are many....  I miss my gorgeous little treasure, it was great having her, she went much too early, may she rest in peace now. To me paradise includes being united with my cats.

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