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Sunday 24 January 2021

No Time to get Old

 "A lie gets half way around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Churchill.                                          We appear to live in a century of fake news, rumours and lies, why should it be different here from the rest of the world. A lot of hope was placed on vaccine, while rich countries had declared they would ensure that poor countries receive a fair share, there was later on talk of 50 or maybe 40 millions doses. Lately WHO mentioned one poor country ( didn't say which one) will be given only 2500 doses of vaccine. Now I heard the country in question is Algeria and they promised to donate half to their sister country Tunisia. By the way in Tunisia live approx. as many people as in Portugal. I guess we see here the result of everybody using a calculator, even for very simple calculations (is this what is taught at school nowadays, how to switch the calculator on and off?). Further, it was said not all required papers arrived in time from Tunisia in America. Not surprised, if they were send by Tunisian mail. The arrival day is always a surprise, e.g. a letter from GB took three month, some Christmas mail that I posted on 10th of Nov. to Germany is still on its way (nearly end of Jan.), other mail just gets lost in transit. Does anybody know why the post office functioned well before the revolution?  Bureaucracy is practiced with a lot of fantasy. Among the 10 most unhappy populations in the world the Tunisian takes place 8. Very sad, it could be so different. We must fight corruption, greed and envy is so destructive unlike solidarity. We need education, folks willing to accept responsibility and contribute to a better, greater Tunisia. Learn and teach our children to appreciate, love and protect animals. Don't abuse, kill, be rewarded with loyalty and lots of love. By the way, 12 millions of cats live in Germany, usually well protected and much loved, part of the family. In fashion in Tunisia are dogs, mainly among youngsters/young men. Those who can't or don't want to spend money on food, look for an alternative. I would have thought that a butcher won't charge much for bones, a fair amount is just thrown in rubbish containers (attracting lots of flies). Anyhow, at least one boy leads his big dog to Cats' feeding places so his pet gets noodles, soaked bred, sometimes mixed with animal sausage, a bit of meat or fish and in front of my door also croquettes for cats. They differ from those for dogs, are more expensive and can cause diarrhea and kidney problems if dogs eat them. When dogs arrive ,the cats get frightened and may well run underneath cars without observing the traffic. I am sure several fatal accidents happened like that, including my adorable gorgeous Honey. She was always observing the traffic. It broke my heart to find her bleeding and dead in front of my door. Honey used to spend most of her time indoors. We had a very special relationship. She would only listen to me and was absolute loyal, but happy to tolerate my husband and he learned to accept that. 

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