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Saturday 11 December 2021

Much needs yet to be done

 "People are always going to find something wrong with people who are not the exact same as them. That's just what it is. Black, white, short, tall, religious, whatever. People are bad." Chris Rock.                                                                           The cradle of mankind stood in Africa. Racism dates back to the days of slave trade, the African continent would have developed quite differently without it. Millions died while being kidnapped and transported, altogether approximately 14 million Africans were enslaved, so many great persons were never born, thus allowing the African continent to be exploited and making Europe rich. When I was a child Josephine Baker was my role ideal, adoption of children from many different countries and letting them grow up together as equals. A great dream, but as I lack the means I finally ended up saving cats of different colours and breed from the streets. Anyhow, I was deeply shocked to find out that some teachers in Tunisia are practicing racisms. I wonder whether they bought their academic diploma and how they gained employment, after all many qualified teachers are unemployed..... In a documentary on German TV a beautiful young woman stated that her teacher never addressed her with her proper name, but called her "burned wood". In another documentary a lovely young lady said that she had no problems in school as she got a light colour of skin, but everything changed after her teacher discovered that her mother has darker skin. That teacher claimed the girl stinks and started to discriminate her in many ways. What are the values that racist teachers pass on to their students? If I had such a teacher for my (light coloured) child, I would move heaven and hell to get that disgraceful teacher removed from school! Such persons should never be allowed to educate anyone. Racism is primitive and doesn't belong to a civilized society. How can the colour of skin say anything about the value of a person, when it's a protection of nature against skin cancer? I did not expect this in North Africa, but I heard for some the colour of skin is more important than a good character, maybe this explains some incidents. I noted that one doesn't see many folks "of colour" in Sousse (the opposite are colourless people?), strange. The Chinese believe that when God made man the first sample was too dark, the second one too light and then he created man with that perfect golden colour.

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