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Friday 26 November 2021

Black Angel Lily an Obituary

 We have more to learn from animals than animals have to learn from us!                                                                               Kids one day in 2016 asked me to check on a black young cat sitting near my window, shivering, a big bump on her head and an injury on her thigh. They said a dog had bitten her and children hit her with a stick. We took her to the vet and she recovered. Being a gentle little darling none of our other feline big family members had any problems with Lily, as we named her, and she cuddled with many. Lily turned out to be very intelligent and inventive. If she wanted to enter a room ( that was out of bounds to several cats to protect some of the interior), she would jump on our back and wrap herself around our neck. She also had a special way to knock at the door, Lily would bang the key attachment against the door. Later on this was copied by other cats, or they would que up behind her, waiting for us to open the door for our black angel. Some times Lily would briefly walk out and quickly return to her home where everybody loves her. One day it was different, she was no where to be seen. We searched for her everywhere in the neighborhood and called her name, but in vain. Kids finally led me to a house where she was kept. A young man opened the door and denied having Lily. We knew that she would return to us if she can. So she has been kidnapped, locked in somewhere for 11 days meanwhile. We decided to offer a reward for her return. Surprise, surprise, that same man who previously had denied having her, brought Lily back for money, I paid him ransom. Still, over the moon to have our sweet honey back. She had lost weight, her lovely fur had lost its shine and she looked sad. It took her quite some time to recover, I wonder what she went through. She seemed to be less healthy ever since, breathing problems, coughing, seemed to be always hungry, but would eat only small portions, bad skin, flaky, later on recovered through vet and medication. Now, November 2021, stopped eating, would only snif at her food. Blood test showed kidney and lung problems. We bought her special croquettes at a high price, hoping she will get better. But she didn't touch them. We took our little treasure to the vet again, already fearing we might loose her, only 5 1/2 years old. Having Lily sleeping in the arms of my husband or above our heads on the pillow, so wonderful, never no more? Very difficult to accept. Our black angel went over the rainbow, leaving us with a great gap, we are in mourning. She gave us so much love and delight.

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