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Wednesday 9 February 2022

Life full of Surprises


" Europeans.....  Westerners....  Russians..... Arabs... if you were to get to know them, not as a catagory, but individually, then you can see how we are all, more or less, flesh and mind, the same. We can only recognize ourselves in the faces of the Other." Elif Shaf          Many won't get their pet spayed and neutered, several because they believe it's haram (violates the Quran) others say this as an excuse because they don't want to spend the money or they can't afford to pay (approx. 120 Dinar for the female cat and half that amunt for the male). Anyhow, now that felines are on heat again, I viewed another family planning Tunisian style: a youngster throwing stones at a cat couple getting married. May he also one day receive stones as a wedding present! The other day I found a little black beauty sitting in front of my door. She is approx. 2 months old, well fed but suffering from champion, a not uncommon skin/fur decease, probably the reason why she was kicked out. The little darling is gentle, well behaved and needed no training to use the toilet like a good girl. Luckily I have a bit of medication from France in the house that allows me to heal my new treasure rapidly, unlike what is on the market here and requires a lot of patience. Our puppy Djego, meanwhile 6 months old, tries to train our cats to sleep at night and not walk around the house. Some don't want to accept his dictatorship and are even prepared to fight with him, so Djego barks louder. I discovered the best solution is that I try to "speak to him in his language", bark gently and calm him down this way. I guess Djego now believes that he is not the only dog in the house and that I am harmless. Life isn't easy for a young traumatized doggy. Hopefully a good experienced family, with a house and garden, can be found in Europe for our sweety. We love him, but he is not very happy with so many cats around, we haven't got a garden and there is no park or grassed open space area nearby suitable for playing with him and do some training. He deserves a better life. Every morning I now feed a so-called stray dog, very gentle, cats, adults and kids around here know this and like her. She patiently sits and waits for me to finish feeding my visitors to the Cats' Table. No trying to push in front, like many locals do at the counter. Happy to wait untill it's her turn to receive breakfast, great lovely treasure, pity I can't offer her a proper home. - Seems prices aren't just raising here, but also in Europe and Turkey. Unfortunately not just for imports, but also for food. In Turkey it extremely concerns flour, oil, eggs and vegetables. One man joked that he therefore now keeps oil and eggs in his safe. Some bakers tried to slightly increase the baquet price, but the government said No, it's not allowed. Everybody should be able to buy bred! Bred and games for the citizens, already the Romans knew that importance for peace in the country. But this is of course not enough, quite a few folks need to change their mentality, improvements take time, much destruction was done by greed and corruption, stealing on a big scale, often by officials and persons in high position - getting away with that. Our president wants to stop all this and the vast stolen amounts be returned to the country. He even closed down the Supreme Court, says the judges were also corrupt and need to be exchanged, some time in the future. Several welcome this action, others worry. 

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