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Thursday 3 February 2022

Postscript Reality and Dreams

"The idea that we could control the course of our lives through rational choices is as absurd as a fish trying to control the ocean in which it swims." Elif Shafak.                           Still trying to convince our puppy Djego that all our cats represent his new family that he should protect and not attemt to chase away. When I mention cleaning his ears he retires to his house. Looks like he hates ears cleaning just like our feline treasures do. Big boy Riccardo decided to take a rest inside Djego's wooden house, our Atlas puppy (meanwhile more than 30 kg) was not amused and started to bark in front of his house. Riccardo ignore him (after all he weighs 6 kg.......).  When our lovely puppy showed me his teeth (doesn't need a dentist yet by the look of it) I showed him mine in return. He looked at it intensively,. but didn't seem to like it much. Following a few more attempts of Djego to get rid of his unwelcomed visitor, I interfered and dragged Riccardo out, after all our house offers many alternatives for gorgeous little angels to relax. The most popular place, however, is my lap or that of my husband and near the radiator in winter, in summer the roof terrace. Every morning our little darlings test how many can fit inside our small kitchen. Seems to so important to be the first one who is fed. Taking Cinderella for an x-ray, a bit of stress, and on account of this my husband forgot his shopping bag in the waiting room. When he noticed that a few minutes later, an approx. 8 year old girl had already picked it up and insisted that it belongs to her. My husband said no, it's mine. A man declared that the girl is the owner.  Asked what is inside the bag the young thief didn't know, my husband was shocked to experience that a child was considered more trustworthy than him. For those who believe children don't lie I have a message, such kids of course exist, but in my neighborhood several lie and steal, I have to take good care what I leave ouside, even just for a few moments. I brought from Germany a special item, designed as an aid for severely handicapped to pick up something from the floor. I use it to remove rubbish that hooligans throw behind my cactus plants. One day I left this accidentally outside for a minute or two and when I noticed found out that it had already been stolen. Luckily a neighbor saw a little boy playing with it and returned it to me. The kid insisted that his father had bought that item for him. Scientists say that 3 year olds are already capable of lying. Hopefully their parents teach them the difference between mine and yours, right and wrong. We have a lot of school holidays, seem to be longer than actual school days, not much time to learn, sad story. Manch household equipment has a shorter life expectancy here than in Europe, due to the climate and the water etc. Nowadays it is difficult to find tradesmen capable and willing to repair such items. Sometimes only a small low value piece would need to be exchanged to do the trick, if you know how. Reference this we could learn a lot from Cuba. In Germany some experts got together and opened a Repair Cafe. 

Wouldn't this be an idea for Tunisia and other countries with low budget citizens? We need new ideas to reduce unemployment and improve our economy. 

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