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Monday 25 April 2022

Eileen, Obituary

 Sweet baby Eileen was born approx. end of March 2017, I found her in front of my door together with Allan, both dark brown streamed. They were the first cats I bottle fed with cat milk, fairy new on the market here. She and her brother used to fight who can have the bottle first. They developed well, but after one year I suddenly discovered her brother dead in the morning, no sign of illness. Middle of November Eileen developed breathing problems. The vet recommended Marbocyl and Kortison, and she recovered. She loved to cuddle and got specially detached to me. In March 2019 I got my little treasure spayed and neutered. In Januar 2021 Eileen got bold patches behind her ears, dermatique the vet diagnosed, we applied ecorex. One year later she started to eat only very small amounts of food and the vet discovered kidney problems, following a blood test. Our little treasure stayed over night at the vet's and we bought special croquettes for her (50 Dinar for 1 kg). Kidney problems are sadly fairly common here, the water is of a poor quality and so is their immune system, all too often. I loved cuddling with lovely Eileen, such a gorgeous little darling. For a short period Eileen got better, then she started to have a blank expression on her face just sitting there, not interested in anything. I feared the worst, but didn't want to give up. Took her once more to the vet. On the 9th of April she passed away, looking very peacefully. My sweetheart I miss you, thank for all the love you gave to me. 

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