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Friday 6 May 2022

Ramadan, Spring & Changes

 "A clever man doesn't make all mistakes himself, he also leaves the chance for others." Churchill.                                                                                                      Ramadan is supposed to be a holly month, but unfortunately this doesn't prevent some from committing evil crimes to innocent animals. While the Quran states that a perfect moslim respects and protects animals and nature, they feel a strange urge to poison, shoot, etc. beautiful, mainly gentle cats and dogs. How can anyone say it's haram to spay and neuter them, yet believe it's okay to create hell for Allah's (God's) creatures and brutally murder them? Normally one can see several cats near garbage containers, serching for food. Most of them have disappeared near where I live. What happened? A gruesome explanation I have been told: immigrants from some subsahara countries kill and eat cats and dogs, or abuse them for obscure witchcraft methods. This is of course against the law here and shocks the population. Horrible thought, hope it can be stopped. Nonetheless, in Europe I never viewed such gorgeous cats. Unfortunately this doesn't even protect them against being kicked out whenever it seems to be more convient. I wonder whether such folks would be prepred to do this also to other family members? Anyhow, I could never rely or trust such guys. In my opinion they shouldn't have children, what values could they possibly teach them? In Sousse the poisoning of cats by some disturbed guys continues, in Djerba dogs are tricked into cages so they can be caught and murdered, absolutely sickening. I continue to pray for education of the ignorant and harsh animal protection laws.  Will it be included in the new constitution? That would be fantastic. We need patience, improvements happen, but slowly. Gentle bitch Leika is limping lately, did she spay her back leg? No, as my husband immediately suspected, stone throwing hooligans caused the injury. I shouldn't be surprised, when I asked the kids to be more considerate, stop their constantly yelling, I had a stone thrown at my head. - Lovely Jasmina brought her kitten, Sunflower, maybe 3 weeks old, to stay with her behind my barrier, between my plants. She knows there is water, food and protection. I will do my best. One of Sunflower's eyes closed, when Jasmina briefly left, I cleaned the kitten's eye with Physiol solution and then used Unigenta for treatment. From time to time various medications are not available, e. g. at present Oxytetracyline (excellent for cats' eye treatment) and antibiotics, "maktur". Today Jasmina allowed me to repeat the procedure for her baby's eye. Good, she trusts me, makes things easier, still, nothing to be taken for granted. Members of my big cat family sometimes fight among each other, just like humans do as well, 2 have got an eye injury, Alien and Tarecca. The later worries me in particular as she's got only 1 eye (result of an accident). The vet thinks her eye can be saved, among other medication she prescribed Antibiotic eye drops. Couldn't find it in various pharmacies, then I remembered that I bought it not long ago following my own eye injury, so that's luck, in addition my other medication turned out to be usefull as well (checked with the vet). My biggest present is having all cats and our puppy doing fine. The end of Ramadan is lately celebrated with fireworks. Folks say it's a tradition, but it isn't actually, too new habid for that. Poor people buy plastic toy pistols and firecracker for their kids, sadly they don't consider buying books instead. "No money!" They argue that this is what their children desire, they possess so little knowledge, yet like to constantly talk..... very strange. Anyhow, those stupid firecrackers make our puppy nervous, he still gets his panic attacks, not very helpful. No use talking to the kids, they don't give a dam, respect, consideration and empathy many don't learn in their families arround here, unfortunately. Instant revenge they consider their right. Spring means more sunshine, some rain and nights not quite as cold, thank heavens for that. Had enough of all that sneezing, running little noses....  "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch without doing anything." Albert Einstein

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