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Sunday 22 May 2022

Trying to think Positive

 "In a wartime truth is so precious that it should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." Churchill                                                                                  There are good and bad days. Spring should be a happy season, more sun and happy faces? You wish, Rising prices, various products difficult to find on the shelvings, everybody grumbling, or so it seems. What makes it worse, there are shameless greedy guys willing to misuse the situation to fill their pockets, or should I say, bank accounts, through phantasy full tricks, e. g. a "baker" buying large quantities of subsidized flour, storing it, waiting for rising prises. He didn't even possess the equipment to bake bred. Fortunately he got caught and several more with equal criminal energy. Among various other medical products anesthetic became difficult to obtain for veterinarians and other doctors. Now a van with 30 vials of Katamine was discovered in Hergla toll station. This product is a powerful anesthetic illicitly used as hallucinogenic drug. In Sfax garbage disposal has become a problem, the citizens there hope that the government will help as the town appears to be overwhelmed, with rising temperatures regular collections, no "wild rubbish dumps" are essential to avoid health issues. The temperatures in the south of the country are not surprisingly much higher than in the rest of the country. Nonetheless in particular the folks down there, in various areas, have to live without  tapped water, for several days, e. g. Redeyf. Heaven knows why the water works cannot find a solution. In this day and age there must be plenty experts available. Not enough funds? Other countries not willing to help?- I see a cute little boy with lovely curls, Europeans would envy him for this. Strange, the mother keeps being "adviced" that she should let him have a haircut, that "looks cleaner" , in addition he could loose weight that way..... wonder why he should? I see among the new kids and youngsters many skinny, legs like a stork. Haircuts like prisoners, the new fashion? Certainly not my taste, why can't folks be happy with what nature provided them with and worry about bad manners and habits instead of giving stupid advice? A young boy in front of my house throwing stones at cats. As he doesn't except being told off (being brought up without borders, without basic values), he received a slap. He threatened to inform his parents and was told please do and bring all your relatives if you like. It's a chance to meet the ignorant family. When the father arrived, he was no surprise. He had no problems with his son abusing animals or causing damage to houses (we have had a lot of this) "He is a child....." One of the most stupid sentences I heard here. If you want your son to become a criminal one day, with a heart of stone, let him grow up wild, don't teach him empathy, respect and love of nature and animals, allow him to believe that he will always get away with murder. One shouldn't be surprised when members of such a generation beat their teacher, who is no longer regarded as a person deserving respect. A man arrives at the vet's with a bird that he accidentally injured with his car, he left his card and stated he will cover the costs to heal the poor bird. People like him give me hope. But anyhow, we urgently need animal protection laws, the whole country would profit. 

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