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Saturday 29 October 2022

Postscript Don't worry could be worse

 "He who gives banana to a monkey can never expect to have it back." "The noise of a frog doesn't stop an elephant from drinking water." Ubuntu African Proverbs

Occasionally one of my cats sits in front of me looking at me very intensively, then I wonder what my little treasure is thinking, questioning whether I love her as much as she loves me? Cats are a gift from heaven, adorable, of course not all cats are alike, everyone is special, they are individuals. Some quickly make friends, get on well with all ferals, while others may even take a dislike to a certain cat or 2. I actually found cats that prefer the company of humans. On the other hand, there are humans who prefer the company of animals as they neither lie nor play dirty tricks. Kittens from various families like to stick  together and are happy to cuddle with their new brothers and sisters, once they feel secure in their new surroundings. They are so cute, nonetheless it is not very relaxing when they all (I now have 16 plus 24 adults, absolutely crazy) want to be fed simultaneously. So many kittens around is also not easy for my poor adult cats. Hopefully they stay fit and don't require much veterinarian treatments and medication, otherwise I have a problem in more than one way. I was surprised to learn that the basic check up at the vet's is here a bit more expensive than in Germany, it's 30 Dinar in Tunisia and 8,41 Euro in Germany. Thank heaven other treatments are less costly in comparison. All not easy, rising expenditures plus higher prices. We have to cut non- essentials like restaurants, hairdresser etc. For approximately one year we and everyone else haven't received electricity bills. Not that we miss that, soon the big bill will arrive and cause a lot of problems for the citizens here. Many will have to resort to installment payments. - Tunisians living and working in Europe for centuries, contrary to what ignorant folks believe here nowadays, it was never a paradise, but mend hard earned money, often unattractive jobs and the family back home waiting for money to support them (which at the same time also supported the Tunisian economy). There was a time when everthing abroad was strange, a different culture with different food, no couscous, no harissa, etc. in e. g. German shops. Many of the new generation dream of working in Germany. What they see on TV can easily give a wrong impression and the reality may well come as a shock. Everything is very expensive and the deductions of the gross pay are very high. Some of those who encounter difficulties to gain what they came for, or were already criminal in the first place, try to deal with drugs or steal. They  give a bad reputation to their home countries, and this may even concern  already well integrated folks originating from North Africa, very sad. The latest fashion among thieves "from the Magreb" is using explosives to remove cash points, but since their criminal capacity is bigger than their mental one, they blow up half the bank building as well and are now wanted for attempted murder, not just robbery. In North- Rhine Westphalia (Germany) this happened 91 times within 3 months. - Some parents have difficulties finding their kids late at night. In Europe there is a simple solution, train your children to go to bed at a time suitable for their age (no, it's not midnight even for pre-school children), this also has a positive effect on their mental and physical development. In North Africa kids usually can decide when it's bed time. Seems to me that they generally are subjected to less restrictions than those living in Europe, parents interfere as little as possible. 

Monday 17 October 2022

Don't worry, could be worse

 "It is better to be the tail of an elephant than the head of a cockroach." If a mad man takes your clothes, don't run after him naked. "Ubuntu Proverbs 

   It wasn't planned but now the number of our big feral family has risen again. Though we had all old enough (except 2 about to be taken to the vet) spayed and neutered, there are 15 very young kittens here now. How come? Well, selfish folks placed them in front of my house on various occasions, sometimes just 1 or 2, sometimes 4 at a time. I shall never understand how anyone can put such beautiful innocent cat babies out on the dangerous street. It is not okay to do this in front of an animal friendly house, trying to force the responsibility for helpless kittens onto us. Our space, our means, our energy is limited, we are neither still young nor very healthy, we are not part of an organization that provides shelters or funds animal care and protection. We can't afford to get our cats vaccinated, they are too many. Having the newcomers one day spayed and neutered, their teeth done, expensive anti flea and anti worm products, dealing with other health problems, will be quite a problem for the future. Surprise, surprise, we need a bit of money also for our own modest lifestyle and health. The other day an elderly neighbor (not the only one) suggested that we pay for his medicine, approx. 90 Dinar. Asked what about his sons and brother in Europe? He replied that they don't earn much money. Seems feeding animals makes you rich.... I adviced my husband to tell him that we can do so, providing he pays for the regular medications prescribed for me (bad deal for him). My message for those who believe in abusing, hurting, killing pets (poison, shoot, etc): Folks with empathy for animals, who are trying to save them, need the money they can more or less spare, to help these innocent creatures. Thus these guys may not be able to help poor people as well, even though they perhaps feel sorry for the less fortunate. As for me, I learned that not all who are short of money have a good character, I judge people according to how they treat animals. - Unfortunately drinking the water from the tap here is not recommended, doctors told us. Lately mineral water isn't always obtainable, one of the stable foods out of stock for various reasons. We try to find bottled water with low Nitrate. It varies from 0, 0,5 to above 30 from assorted firms. Experts advise to avoid water above 5, as Nitrate has quite a negative effect on one's health. The most popular brands contain a lot of Nitrate, seems noone is aware of the issue. For a while sugar disappeared from the shopes. I am lucky, I seldom use sugar. Many suffer from Diabetes, nonetheless the soft drinks have a high percentage of sugar. If you have a look at the registered contents you will find those items with the highest percentage are listed first. The "fruit juice" drinks are produced with fairly little fruit, which is covered up with aroma and sugar. I call them sugared water drinks and buy mineral water instead. Shortage of sugar could be a good opportunity to use less of it in all those sugar - rich manufactured products, guess this is wishful thinking. Compared to other countries Tunisia employes a surprising high number of civil servants. The bureaucracy has a reputation of being bloated. (see a satire on Arte Mediathek: On the Divan in Tunis - I viewed it German, the original may be in French, English or Arabic). Since Tunisia badly needs money for the economy (like many other countries), the president asked the IWF for a loan. They agreed under the condition that public expenses are reduced - most is spend on bureaucrats. Since this means that perhaps one third will loose their jobs, a highly unpopular decision. By they way, problems we experience here also exist more or less simular in other parts of the world, including Europe (which some still regard as a kind of paradise). But this doesn't mean our citizens don't want miracles to happen. 

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Postscript Autumn, Cats, Dogs and the Environment

 "A man who tosses worms in the river isn't necessarily a friend of fish. All the fish who take him for a friend, who think the worms got no hook in it, usually end up in the frying pan." Malcom X   "The more I get to know humans the more I love dogs" Erich Kaestner.                                                     This morning a lovely little kitten nearly got ran over by the only car on the road. Yesterday, on my way to do a bit of shopping, I viewed a cat mum with her kittens and took a photo of the sweet little family (see photo) . On my way back I saw 2 kittens, one already dead and the other one looking not very well. Then near my house I was shocked to discover one of the kittens that was enjoying being with its mummy not very long ago has meanwhile passed over the rainbow, bleeding from her head and one eye popping out. The little one was either hit by a car and thrown on the pavement or hit over the head by a big stone. The mother cat tried in vain to save her, poor darling. It is very difficult for homeless cats to protect their offspring here. Gorgeous Janina went outside without us noticing. Soon after she wanted to leave the uninviting road again, but our door was closed. So Janina decided to enter via our window, but the gap was too small. Luckily I heard her climbing, went outside and quickly took our little treasure back inside. She was so grateful and happy to be in her house again, such a sweetie. Those who know the difference most certainly don't want to "enjoy" the freedom of the roads, too many dangers plus disturbed kids with poor manners, faul language, no respect. These neglected children like to damage, destroy. They know they can do this with impunity as their parents are often poor, so their families don't even need good lawyers to avoid having to pay damages. In addition the kids are fast runners, thus difficult to catch and besides, always " innocent". Much needs to be done. I never encountered a dangerous dog on the street, but these wild children worry me. Some believe black cats bring you bad luck. But actually it is the other way around, they are lovely, very intelligent and loyal. It is people who bring bad luck for black cats, hit them with sticks or stones, or even kill, poor innocent darlings. There seems to be very little respect, appreciation and love for animals in general, I wonder why, lack of education? Much could be achieved with good animal protection laws, besides, didn't Prophet Mohamed teach that a good Muslim respects animals and nature?

Sunday 9 October 2022

Autumn, Cats, Dogs and Environment

 "When you bury the past, make sure you avoid friends that know the graveside." "Never insult a crocodile whilst your buttocks are still in water." African Ubuntu Proverb.                                                                                            Sweet black and white kitten in front of my door, keen to enter. I am taking a closer look, it is one of those that I offered" asylum" a few days ago, it ran out without us noticing but quickly realized that the street is not an inviting place to be, live as a stray? No thank you. Poor innocent little treasures. Nowadys even beauty doesn't always help. Fleur, a regular visitor to my Cat's Table, has a gorgeous kitten, mummy obviously got engaged to a Siamese, the little one has such lovely fur, only the typical dark face markings are missing. I'd wish I could find a good family for the two. Fleur obviously loves her baby, she learned this from her mother, who always used to turn up with fleur (untill she one day disappeared for good). When cats suddenly disappear, apart from a natural death, it can also mean traffic accident, poisoned, other forms of abuse, or even slaughtered for a meal or black magic. I am told some immigrants from sub Sahara countries do the later. Hopefully they get caught, arrested/deported. This is a horrible crime and Tunisians are shocked . The cruel shooting of stray dogs (and cats?) in the whole of Tunisia for 4 weeks is very depressing. For 3 nights I heard shotgun shootings in Sousse, Jawhara. It gives me nightmares. The few strays I saw here occasionally were gentle, clean and beautiful. No danger for anyone, many had a family before. Those irresponsible folks capable to throw pets out on the street worry me. In most countries such actions are regarded as crimes and punished as such, even prison sentences. We badly need good animal protection laws. Those in Turkey (created in co-operation with animal protection organisations) are a dream. Respection of animal rights doesn't seem to cause any problems there. "Have empathy with the animals on earth, then Allah will also have sympathy with you." Words of the Prophet Mohamed. The other day my husband tried to explain to a young boy that throwing stones at cats is Haram (forbidden, a sin) and was surprised to hear the lad asking:" What does Haram mean? " The streets crossing in front of our house have multiple functions, sometimes it sounds like a market place (street vendors coming and going), then like a racing track (speeding motorbikes), a kindergarten playground (up to 20 very young kids screaming and running), or a football stadium, up to 3 balls simultaneously kicked against house walls and doors, children arriving from all directions, yelling appears to be an important part of the games. Several children in my neighborhood are neglected/disturbed. We could do with street (social) workers here. In view of often ignorant parents who don't understand their responsibility as parents, or just couldn't care less, much needs to be done. Denial of kids' bad behaviour doesn't mean you are a good parent. - A woman stated she can't afford getting her cat spayed and neutered. As she tried to drop off the unwanted kittens in front of a house, she was seen and told to stop this, as at that address there is neither a shelter, nor an association to meet the expenses. She replied: " No problem, I know a woman in the neighborhood who feeds and keeps cats, I shall take them to her house." She admitted that she had my house in mind. By the way, the woman who "can't afford" the approx. 100 Dinar for her cat, intends to now spend a family holiday in Tunis. Well, my husband and I can't finance any holiday, we neither have the necessary money nor can we leave our big feral family on their own.