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Monday 17 October 2022

Don't worry, could be worse

 "It is better to be the tail of an elephant than the head of a cockroach." If a mad man takes your clothes, don't run after him naked. "Ubuntu Proverbs 

   It wasn't planned but now the number of our big feral family has risen again. Though we had all old enough (except 2 about to be taken to the vet) spayed and neutered, there are 15 very young kittens here now. How come? Well, selfish folks placed them in front of my house on various occasions, sometimes just 1 or 2, sometimes 4 at a time. I shall never understand how anyone can put such beautiful innocent cat babies out on the dangerous street. It is not okay to do this in front of an animal friendly house, trying to force the responsibility for helpless kittens onto us. Our space, our means, our energy is limited, we are neither still young nor very healthy, we are not part of an organization that provides shelters or funds animal care and protection. We can't afford to get our cats vaccinated, they are too many. Having the newcomers one day spayed and neutered, their teeth done, expensive anti flea and anti worm products, dealing with other health problems, will be quite a problem for the future. Surprise, surprise, we need a bit of money also for our own modest lifestyle and health. The other day an elderly neighbor (not the only one) suggested that we pay for his medicine, approx. 90 Dinar. Asked what about his sons and brother in Europe? He replied that they don't earn much money. Seems feeding animals makes you rich.... I adviced my husband to tell him that we can do so, providing he pays for the regular medications prescribed for me (bad deal for him). My message for those who believe in abusing, hurting, killing pets (poison, shoot, etc): Folks with empathy for animals, who are trying to save them, need the money they can more or less spare, to help these innocent creatures. Thus these guys may not be able to help poor people as well, even though they perhaps feel sorry for the less fortunate. As for me, I learned that not all who are short of money have a good character, I judge people according to how they treat animals. - Unfortunately drinking the water from the tap here is not recommended, doctors told us. Lately mineral water isn't always obtainable, one of the stable foods out of stock for various reasons. We try to find bottled water with low Nitrate. It varies from 0, 0,5 to above 30 from assorted firms. Experts advise to avoid water above 5, as Nitrate has quite a negative effect on one's health. The most popular brands contain a lot of Nitrate, seems noone is aware of the issue. For a while sugar disappeared from the shopes. I am lucky, I seldom use sugar. Many suffer from Diabetes, nonetheless the soft drinks have a high percentage of sugar. If you have a look at the registered contents you will find those items with the highest percentage are listed first. The "fruit juice" drinks are produced with fairly little fruit, which is covered up with aroma and sugar. I call them sugared water drinks and buy mineral water instead. Shortage of sugar could be a good opportunity to use less of it in all those sugar - rich manufactured products, guess this is wishful thinking. Compared to other countries Tunisia employes a surprising high number of civil servants. The bureaucracy has a reputation of being bloated. (see a satire on Arte Mediathek: On the Divan in Tunis - I viewed it German, the original may be in French, English or Arabic). Since Tunisia badly needs money for the economy (like many other countries), the president asked the IWF for a loan. They agreed under the condition that public expenses are reduced - most is spend on bureaucrats. Since this means that perhaps one third will loose their jobs, a highly unpopular decision. By they way, problems we experience here also exist more or less simular in other parts of the world, including Europe (which some still regard as a kind of paradise). But this doesn't mean our citizens don't want miracles to happen. 

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