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Saturday 29 October 2022

Postscript Don't worry could be worse

 "He who gives banana to a monkey can never expect to have it back." "The noise of a frog doesn't stop an elephant from drinking water." Ubuntu African Proverbs

Occasionally one of my cats sits in front of me looking at me very intensively, then I wonder what my little treasure is thinking, questioning whether I love her as much as she loves me? Cats are a gift from heaven, adorable, of course not all cats are alike, everyone is special, they are individuals. Some quickly make friends, get on well with all ferals, while others may even take a dislike to a certain cat or 2. I actually found cats that prefer the company of humans. On the other hand, there are humans who prefer the company of animals as they neither lie nor play dirty tricks. Kittens from various families like to stick  together and are happy to cuddle with their new brothers and sisters, once they feel secure in their new surroundings. They are so cute, nonetheless it is not very relaxing when they all (I now have 16 plus 24 adults, absolutely crazy) want to be fed simultaneously. So many kittens around is also not easy for my poor adult cats. Hopefully they stay fit and don't require much veterinarian treatments and medication, otherwise I have a problem in more than one way. I was surprised to learn that the basic check up at the vet's is here a bit more expensive than in Germany, it's 30 Dinar in Tunisia and 8,41 Euro in Germany. Thank heaven other treatments are less costly in comparison. All not easy, rising expenditures plus higher prices. We have to cut non- essentials like restaurants, hairdresser etc. For approximately one year we and everyone else haven't received electricity bills. Not that we miss that, soon the big bill will arrive and cause a lot of problems for the citizens here. Many will have to resort to installment payments. - Tunisians living and working in Europe for centuries, contrary to what ignorant folks believe here nowadays, it was never a paradise, but mend hard earned money, often unattractive jobs and the family back home waiting for money to support them (which at the same time also supported the Tunisian economy). There was a time when everthing abroad was strange, a different culture with different food, no couscous, no harissa, etc. in e. g. German shops. Many of the new generation dream of working in Germany. What they see on TV can easily give a wrong impression and the reality may well come as a shock. Everything is very expensive and the deductions of the gross pay are very high. Some of those who encounter difficulties to gain what they came for, or were already criminal in the first place, try to deal with drugs or steal. They  give a bad reputation to their home countries, and this may even concern  already well integrated folks originating from North Africa, very sad. The latest fashion among thieves "from the Magreb" is using explosives to remove cash points, but since their criminal capacity is bigger than their mental one, they blow up half the bank building as well and are now wanted for attempted murder, not just robbery. In North- Rhine Westphalia (Germany) this happened 91 times within 3 months. - Some parents have difficulties finding their kids late at night. In Europe there is a simple solution, train your children to go to bed at a time suitable for their age (no, it's not midnight even for pre-school children), this also has a positive effect on their mental and physical development. In North Africa kids usually can decide when it's bed time. Seems to me that they generally are subjected to less restrictions than those living in Europe, parents interfere as little as possible. 

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