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Thursday 1 June 2023

It never gets Boring here

 "Every bird is a king in its nest." "Even if cats rain, black rat will go out in the night." "Examine what is spoken not who is speaking. "  "A person who is always alone is either a devil or a saint."    Ubuntu African Proverbs                                                                                    Our gorgeous cat mummy Fleur is amazing. Not only does she feed her milk to her friend's babies on demand, but also to a lovely little kitten living outside. Today I discovered her doing so and I guess she's been doing this for a while. Until a few weeks ago Fleur was "just a street cat" and regular customer to my Cats' Table, like her friend Rosy and up to 20 others, arriving every morning from all directions, (some stay nearby and receive more food during the day) punctually for their early breakfast. I don't know which cat informed them of the time and place. Anyhow, I am proud of my beautiful guests, they and my indoor big feral family give me a reason to get up every morning, even when I feel exhausted and "too sick" to kick myself out off bed.  Impossible to disappoint all those who look up to me with such a lot of trust and expectations in their lovely eyes. Sadly many kittens pass over the rainbow before even reaching an age of 2 or 3 months, inspite of loving mums doing their best. A poor immune system doesn't give them much of a chance. I decided to take inside the black and white kitten that Fleur decided to adopt. Now the other mothers, Rosy and Jane, are happy to offer their mummy milk also to this orphan. Could we learn from cats, be generous and help those in need? Not so long ago milk was difficult to obtain. Shopkeepers asked their customers not to buy more than 2 packs, some wanted as much as they can carry. Sugar has become an exotic item, a luxury that hasn't been seen on the shelves for long period. For unknown reasons easier to find in Kairouan than in Sousse, interesting, but on the other hand coffee is very expensive now and appears to be sold out in Kairouan. So perhaps folks in Sousse should exchange coffee against sugar? Present flour shortage could lead to couscous becoming the next special item we have to surge for, hopefully this won't happen to the national dish (in the whole of North Africa). Some citizens believe keeping a pet and feeding cats, dogs and strays is a luxury we can do without. Well, experts say that kids growing up with a cat or dog in the house (ideally regarded as a family member) learn responsibility, empathy, the importance of friendship and trust. Several guys think in view of our weak economy it would be better not to import food and other products for these animals. Caring for cats and dogs is a luxury we can do without. Really? They don't realize that a whole industry developed in this field. Not just veterinarians, pet shops, tinned food, croquettes and "salami" (sausages for animals, not suitale for human consumption), toilets, beds, medications, etc. - meanwhile produced also in Tunisia and creating many jobs. Besides, from European (mainly) and other countries a considerable amount of donations are sent to Tunisia. If you open your eyes you can see the most beautiful cats and dogs here, neat and modest, even those forced to live outside. Unfortunately their usually excellent manners makes it easy for wicked people to abuse and kill them. Hopefully we will eventually get good animal protection laws worthy of a modern country. I can live without various products, one can find alternatives or just do without, but I really miss good animal protection and noise restriction laws. 

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