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Saturday 29 July 2023

Postscript Summertime and it ain't all easy.

 "What you don't want to be done to you, don't do to others." German Proverb  "The tree that bears good fruits receives more stones and trouble."  "The devil without a horn and tail is more dangerous than the one with a horn and tail."  "You are beautiful, but you can't eat your own beauty, learn to work."  Ubuntu African Proverbs  "How then is perfection to be sought? Wherein lies our hope? In education and nothing else. Rules for happiness: Something to do, someone to love, something to hope for." Emanuel Kant.        Our beautiful feral daughter, Minusa, stopped eating and in general seemed to be not well at all. Bad breath, red gum, brown teeth indicated the need for dental treatment. A blood test revealed more, apart from the already discovered fiever, her blood contains a much too high amount of the white blood corpuscle, thus anemia. The pharmacy advised to not give the medication together with food, while the include instruction leaflet stated the opposite. I noted  repeatedly that pharmacy staff doesn't appear to be as well trained as in the past. In view of many relying on their advise as they cannot pay a doctor's consulting fee (if you are lucky 40 Dinar, but more likely to be 70 Dinar at present) on top of paying for necessary medication, this is bad news. But on the other hand you may be lucky to find a qualified doctor running a Pharmacy. Anyhow, Minusa turned out to be a clever little cheater. She made a big show when I tried to make her swallow half a tablet. Then she walked over to the bowl of croquettes and eat some. To my surprise I afterwards discovered the tablet among the croquettes. I am not very popular with my feral children when I turn up with their medicine, they appear to think I better spend the money on something delicious. Well, such is life. For a short time eggs disappeared from the market. Meat being too expensive for many and then also no eggs available? There are of course alternatives, but not everybody sees it that way. Today eggs were on sale again, you never know for how long. Life is full of surprises. Still no rain and pretty high temperatures. Feel like melting. On top we had that hot wind from the dessert, called "Chili". We are longing for the normal refreshing wind and of course some rain. Within 6 months this year approx. 800 people died in Tunesians waters, trying to reach Europe. Very sad, worse than ever. In 2018 Tunisia was the first Arabic country in the world to crimilise racism, we can be proud of that! While quite a few folks in Europe think that North Africans have a dark colour of skin, this presently applies to only 10 - 15 %  of the Tunisian citizens. With raising temperatures we ought to find in future all over the world more folks of colour, in particular those kids out on the street all day. That will make life difficult for racists. For those who believe the light colour of skin indicates superiority, the British made a clever joke during the dark nazi years in Germany: "What does a member of the Master Race  look like? Well, blond and tall like Hitler, slim like Goering, perfect figure like Goebels." By the way, when you hear the extreme loud sound, see and smell the stinking black cloud of those motorbikes ridden by youngsters and even kids, and wonder why, well they manipulate the filter and don't care for environment protection. They think this is real freedom. In Europe police would confiscate the motorbike and possible also the driving license, if it exists. It won't be easy to achieve a different attitude among the ignorant. One must start with the kids and they hopefully will educate their parents, it may sound strange, but when kids start asking questions, there is a chance they make the adults think what they are doing. A woman who returned with her family from Germany told me their still very young children were shocked to see folks dropping their rubbish just anywhere. They asked why do they do this? In the end they decided not to live in Tunisia, it no longer felt like home. Very sad, Tunisia could be a beautiful country if more citizens would understand the need to protect the environment and be kind to animals. By the way, a plastic bottles collector with a poor young donkey that had to carry a heavy load during very high temperatures, told me his donkey shouldn't drink while working. I asked a veterinarian is that okay? He was shocked that I asked such a stupid question. His reply: "Sadly many don't understand that their " tool" is an animal with feelings and requires looking after, e. g. enough water to drink in order to survive. " - Several elderly neighbors died lately. Keep hearing the Quran from the loudspeaker of that special van used to transport the corpse. Behing the van a group of walking men, women don't attend according to a long tradition. We could do with more trees, there is not much shadow. Quite a few planted by the French during their occupation of Tunisia have been felt unfortunately. The avantage of trees, a group of one kind in particular that is  be like a green roof, protecting against too much sun, one can still experience, in particular near Mosques. There are often also benches, a place to relax. 

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