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Wednesday 19 July 2023

Summertime and it ain't all Easy

It is too hot

 My blind boy Lulu

"Try and fail, but don't fail to try." Malawi Proverb  "There is no medicine to cure hatred." Ubuntu Proverb  "A hungry free man is better than a well fed slave." Liberian Proverb     "I think that hate is a feeling, a feeling that can only exist where there is no  understanding."  Tennessee Williams   "A chameleon will not change the dignified walking steps of his forefathers just because the bush is on fire." Ubuntu African Proverb.        -  Still no sugar available, even coffee is sold either quite expensive in supermarkets or in a low quantity (200 grams per customer) in specialist coffee shops. The price for tea has also gone up considerably. Folks in Arabic countries in particular love their coffee, tea and sugar. Never expected this to happen here. In view of many suffering from diabetics perhaps not such a bad thing the lack of sugar, but there are still lots of quite sugary products. An increasing number of imported medicines continue to disappear from the pharmacy shelves. If you are lucky a suitable substitute item is meanwhile produced in Tunisia. Wish folks here would learn from Cuba. For centuries they cooped quite well in spite of many restrictions imposed by various US governments. Cuban citizens are amazingly creative when it comes to finding solutions utilizing what little is available. In addition they in general remained cheerful, not always crumbling (like in other not well off/poor countries.) And they have very beautiful music that puts one in a good mood. - Most nights there is no water coming from the tap, at changing times, I think those in charge of the household water supply (Sonnet) are playing with us or is it to teach folks that they can't rely on water always being available? Anyhow, it doesn't seem to impress those who love to waste water in Sousse, not even at the much higher charge. But anyhow, it is advisable not to drink it but buy Mineral water, if you can afford this. We buy a lot, in particular in summer. Just as well these plastic bottles are collected by folks with little or no income. They smile when we handover our collection, much better than searching for the plastic among the rubbish, the usual procedure, very sad. It is getting really hot, at present 47 degree centigrade. My cats are flat on the floor, poor darlings. At least they don't have to look where they can find food and water in this heat. But they don't appear to be healthier in summer. There are various viruses, in particular the Calcivirus, effecting theeth and gum, causing fiever, loss of weight, hopefully not also bad kidneys, liver and blood values. In general cats immune system is not strong here, in particular concerning those poor darlings that are living on the street (often kicked out for convienence by hard - hearted guys). Eyes, nose and ears are the main problem zones. It keeps me on my toes, guess it is what I led myself into, when I decided to help as many so called "stray cats" as possible, not making beauty a reason to be accepted. Nonetheless really gorgeous ferals are also part of my big cat family. Lulu is the latest new member, he is lovely (beige and white soft fur), but unfortunately blind. I have cats with only one eye, managing perfectly well in my house, but completely blind is a problem, too many obstacles. A flat would be ideal and I may add that Lulu is a clean boy who uses his toilet. I hope I can find a solution for my sweet boy. When I dicovered him in front of my door, he seemed to be doing well, utilizing my offer of food and water for homeless cats. But a closer look at him revealed eyes that appeared to be popping out. I took him to my vet and Lulu is much better now, but it was too late to save his eyes, 1 looks almost okay, the other one may have to be removed as it can effect his brain, poor little treasure. Why do animals have to suffer so much? - An unfortunate and very sad development here is the discrimination and violance against folks from various African countries with darker skin. Some kids, youngsters and adults feeI encouraged to spit at or even attack these persons e. g. in Sfax. Strange in view of kids playing outside getting a lot  darker.  I always considered a brown colour of skin to be typical for hot countries, after all it provides a protection against skin cancer. Besides, is very white or pink really more beautiful? Doesn't gold, silver and other jewelery shine more on brown skin? Anyhow, it is scientifically proven that the craddle of mankind stood in West Africa. Until 8000 years ago all humans had dark skin. Should we be ashamed of our ancestors? I hear that Sub-Saharans are criminals, they steal, rob and abuse, sexually harrasse woman, want to destroy Tunisia.  All evil comes from them, they are to blame for all shortcomings, concerning basic foods, medicine, rising prices, lack of jobs, etc. So those who commit crimes here originate from sub-saharan countries and my handbag was robbed by 2 young men on a motorbike who used a lot of bleech on their skin, just like the burglar who tried to enter our house. Now that many dark coloured people, men, women and children are forced to or volantarily leaving Tunisia, we get a paradise here, no more stealing, save streets, no more rubbish dumping (in front of my house and many other places), no more animal abuse, stone throwing, disrespect, etc...... You wish!  The uneducated are happy to have a scapegoat and started a witch hunt. The murder of a man in Sfax in particular encouraged them, even after those responsible have been arrested (3 men from Kamerun). Don't they know that Tunisian too commit capital crimes in either countries? By the way, in Sfax certain shameless Tunisians charge approx. 3000 Dinar (970 Dollar) for a dangerous trip in a badly constructed tin boat with up to 38 persons, including occasionally watered down petrol and car tyres for lifeboats. This will hopefully be stopped soon. As our president declared: "We are also very proud Africans", I hope that our African brothers and sisters will in future be treated with lots of dignity and empathy and experience more solidarity. Africa is a much bigger continent than Europe, united we could achieve so much. 

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