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Saturday 9 December 2023

What Happened to Our Civilized World?

 "If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity."  Albert Einstein   "Nothing is more important than sympathy for another human being's suffering. Nothing, not career, not wealth, not intelligence, certainly not status. We have to feel for one another if we are going to survive with dignity."  Audrey Hepburn   " How could we become what we are oppose to?"  Hadar Morag (Israeli film maker). " Hell is other people. "  Jean Paul Satre                                                          It is the 60th day of war in Gaza. Officially are nearly 18. 000 Palestinians killed, many women, 6000 are children, this doesn't include maybe a thousand or more persons who are still lying underneath crushed buildings. 7600 Palestinians are missing. 46,000 are injured. Figures are constantly rising. Doctors including those of International Human Rights Organisations, UNICEF, Safe the Children Fund, Doctors without Borders, etc, said the situation of the children is unbearable, broken bones, kids losing limps, a hand, arm or leg because there aren't the resources to operate them or Israel ordering the evacuation from a Gaza hospital before or during an operation. The military Israelian spokesman declared they killed only 2 civilians for every Hamas terrorist, a ratio that is acceptable, he says. That would mean they killed approx. 9.000 Hamas members. Besides, even if the figures are correct, is it really okay, is it human? Don't folks of Jewish religion believe that if someone saves one human life it is as if he/she saved all mankind? The children are traumatised, what they have seen and suffered even at a very young age, is undescribable horrible. Many have lost one or both parents, no home no save place, no protection any longer possible from the persons they love and trust. A hopeless world, what happened to our civilization? How can US vote against an immediate cease fire on humanitarian grounds, while even (though a minority)  Israelians and Jews in Amercia and Europe demand an end to that war ("Not in my Name. ") 'Doctors' without Boarders ' condemn the US decision, they call it a complicity in killings. Golda Meir once said: "We can forgive Palestinians a lot, but we can't forgive them that they force us to kill their children." Is this how they justify in their head their cruelty? During the 2 year war in Ukraine considerably less people died than during the 2 months in Gaza and there is less destruction. Since the UN's excistance there have never before been so many UN employees killed. Those attacks on ambulances and hospitals, clearing hospitals, are all international humanitarian war rules no longer applicable? Israel appears to be willing to make Gaza uninhibitable for Palestinians, destroying the infastructure, flattening residential areas. There is no longer a save place for civilians, not even UN schools, shelter, hospitals, ambulances, Netanjahu and the members of his far right government seem to play a bloody game with Palestinians. The already in a most densely area living folk in the world squeezed to constantly smaller areas. Looks like Palestinians are told to walk around in circles, a "soft target" with hardly any /or no food, water, medical aid, shelter. No hope, no security, no future. 

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