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Saturday 16 December 2023

Hell on Earth

 "If you are not careful, then the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppression."  "The Zionist argument to justify Israel's present occupation of Arabic Palestine has no inteligent or legal basis in history." Malcom X.   "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians."  "Having achieved our own freedom we can fall into the trap of washing our hands of difficulties that others face. Yet we would be less than human if we do." Nelson Madela 1997.  "Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country and a finer world to live in. " Martin Luther King. 1959.      Netanyahu had promised to make Israel a safer place for Jewish people, yet he achieved the opposite. He did a lot of harm not only to Israel's reputation in the world but also to folks of Jewish religion all over the world, including those who absolutely appose his politics and brutal merciless war in Gaza, many call it a war against children, 70 % of the killed Palestinians are women and children. Did the Israelians think they are terrorists? The military employ a lot of artificial intelligence (AI), killing and destroying is easier and more extensive that way. In addition, when they want to sell their weapons, they can promote these as already successfully tested. The former Israelian Prime Minister (2008/09) Ehut Olmert called Netanyahu a distaster and said that he should go/resign immediately, "We must completely move out of Gaza. Two states are the only solution". He further stated that in his opinion it is essential to have a different government in Israel and different people to represent Palestinians, a solution can only be achieved through negotiation, Palestinian must decide who should govern them, not Netanyahu, he is not a politician and doesn't want a Palestinian country., he tries to make it impossible. Contrary to international laws there are already thousands of settlers, often with extreme ultra orthodox views, living on occupied land and Netanyahu intends to build another 1,600 homes in East (Arabic) Jerusalem. Settlers are allowed to carry guns, they are accustomed to getting away with murder and in addition, when they attack Palestinians, burn their olive trees, etc., army and police don't try to stop them but rather protect these criminals. Recently settlers even managed to dress up in uniforms in order to terrorise Palestinians. Following the murder of several Palestinians by settlers, France, US and other countries want sanctions and demand Israel to  stop and punish them. By the way, Netanjahu' s  war minister is a settler himself. One day, when all illegally on occupied Palestinian land living settlers are hopefully evacuated, they should have to leave everything behind, as a small compensation of what they destroyed. Further, it is high time to make Israel pay for what they willfully destroyed, schools, hospitals, houses, infrastructure, etc. Several buildings and institutions were built with money/donations from other countries, they must have the right to demand that. All too often what properties Israel destroyed, were simply repaired or rebuilt with money from EU, UN, etc., again and again, thus the Israelian governments had no reason to change! Several days ago the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz said in an interview that in his opinion Israel is "a democratic state with very humanitarian rules" and he trust them to do what is right. In a discussion a professor, (sorry, didn't catch his name) from Oxford University, who specialized in International Human Rights and laws, expressed his surprise that Scholz made such a statement, after all Germany signed the Geneva Convention!  Letting people die of thirst, hunger, for a military advantage, violates International Human Rights. His Israelian colleague, Eitan Diamond, advised that there are so far no proofs that the war in Gaza is in proportion (as retaliation to the mascara committed by Hamas)  The consequences of the army attacks are predictable as Israel receives reports and exact coordinates from the concerned organizations, including number of civilians in a school, refugees camp, hospital etc. Nevertheless water and electricity are cut off, hospitals are forcibly evacuated without any respect to patients in intensive care or even in the middle of an operation. According to the WHO representative there have been 160 attacks on medical institutions and 17 UN schools, (figures constantly rising, so probably higher meanwhile), never before have so many UN members and journalists (64, 14 injured, 3 missing) been killed, NGO folks risks their life, as well medical staff, ambulance drivers. The recent killing of an Aljazeera journalist, his colleague injured near a school, was particular brutal, medical help was prevented by Israel, he was left for hours to bleed to death. Aljazeera deferred his case as a war crime to Den Haag. Israel admits that 10 % of their soldiers died of "friendly fire", thus killed by mistake by their own army. The first time I heard this expression was in connection with the Vietnam war. The reason given was soldiers being under the influence of drugs. Now Netanjahu had to admit that 3 Israelian hostages that escaped from Hamas hostage-taker, have been shot, mistakenly (in spite of a white flag, wearing no shirt and shouting "Help" in Hebrew, source France 24) "regarded as a threat". One can assume they didn't carry any weapons, so why shoot? Trigger happy or trained to kill whatever moves? All of this must end. As a Professor for International Human Rights and laws suggested: "Forget America, they always unconditionally supported Israel, we need a new sensible and honest government in Israel and Gaza." They must  negotiate a 2-State solution and Palestine must be provided with everything and all the help she needs. It will take generations to overcome all the hate and trauma, but it is the only solution. 

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