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Wednesday 14 February 2024

Times are A Changing

The water on the street is not rain water, but the result of residents using a hose to "clean" the street. 

 "Always forgive your enemies, nothing ennoys them as much."  "The truth is rarely pure and never simple."  "I am not young enough to know everything." Oscar Wilde.                     We enjoy lots of sunshine, feels like spring or even summer during the day and winter in the afternoon and at night. Still too little rain and at first from time to time, meanwhile daily, the household water gets shut off (at varied times, getting earlier and earlier and usually then lasting until the next morning.) Now at 1.30 p. m. already no water from the tap. Though ennoying in a way and it's surely not ideal to improve hygiene in the country, it is probably necessary since the water resource level is extremely low and ignorants love to use water hoses and seems to aim to create "swimming pools" on their street. I have seen it in many places. Occasionally I asked: "Is the beech too far for you?" Prices are rising yet again. Not easy to pay more for so many items., e. g. the 600 gram saucage I buy for my cats was sold for 2 Dinar a few years ago and now I have to pay 3,500 Dinar (price reduced after protest that 3,800 is simply too much), tinned kitten food I bought not so long ago for 5 Dinar is now sold for 7 Dinar. Unfortunately I need much as I don't want my little treasures to start a revolution. They love their croquettes (now of course also more expensive), in adition they are accustomed to have a bit of sausage in the morning as well, so do also the visitors to my Cats ' Table. My beautiful "children" thank me with lots of cuddles, purring and love. Sometimes cats talk while eating, sounds like "this is delicious." They are so sweet, couldn't live without them. Kittens are unfortunately often not strong when it comes to fighten off colds, flue and viruses. One day they may seem pretty fit and the next day suddenly pass away. Their immune system appears to be much weaker here than in Europe. In addition it is not very helpful if they are dragged away from their mother' loving paws at an too early age, a strange "custom" here among the lesser educated. I need  (but don't always feel very fit) to check daily the little ears, eyes (e. g. pus) noses, teeth and gums for parasites, possible signs of a virus, comb the lovely fur with a special flea comb. I learned a lot from my vet about how to treat minor problems. No time to get bored. Life would be easier if I had enough money to get my little ones vaccinated. At least most of the medicine they need is available here, with a bit of luck produced in the country. Imported items are not always available ("maktur"), some seem to get too expensive for the local market. Looking back, there is more available and often of better quality than before the revolution, but you can't always find what you want. 

I remember a time when one wouldn't view folks telephoning while driving because mobile phones didn't exist, when people were happy to ride a bike, no kids on a motorcycle polluting the air  just for fun. A smell as if there is a fire somewhere in the neighborhood. This can mean a barbecue, someone burning waste of any kind or simply motorbikes using cheap stinking diesel. Noone appears to worry about the harmful exhaust gas. Our hobby "standmen", youngsters riding their motorcycles with the front wheel in up in the air, continue their acts, one occasionally with a boy aged approx 12 years of age, sitting behind him., another one kneeling with one leg on the seat. They also like to ride in wavy lines, like someone drunk would. All of this on a street with traffic and usually kids playing football, our multiple purpose road. Nobody seems to take any interest and tries to stop this before a serious accident happens. 

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