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Wednesday 31 January 2024

What goes Round comes Round

 "How it is we have so much information, but knows so little?" "It is the responsibility of interlectuals to speak the truth and expose lies."  "For the powerful crimes are those that others commit." "How people themselves perceive what they are doing is not a question that interests me. I mean, there are few people who are going to look into the mirror and say, " That person I see is a monster, " instead they make up some construction that justifies what they do. "   Noam Chomsky.                                                                 At a time full of hate and revenge (the new style of politics) it does good to listen to a voice of reason, empathy and love. Margot Friedlaender, (maiden name Bendheim) born 5th of Nov. 1921 in Berlin, her mother and brother were arrested in 1943 and murdered in Auschwitz, for a while she somehow managed to live in hidings, but then went through the hell of the concentration camp Theresienstadt. This great, gentle, wise lady survived the unspeakable horrors and emigrated in 1946 to New York. At the age of 88 Margot Friedlaender returned to Berlin, as a contemporary witness she decided to visit schools and other places to talk about what happened during the Nazi dictatorship, in a country that once was seen as a country of poets and reflecting people (Dichter und Denker), how the terror began and why it must be stopped right in the beginning. Quote: "What has happened, we can not change. It only must never happen again. Humans must be respected, no matter which religion they have. We are all alike. When we are born, it doesn't matter whether by a Jewish woman or one of another religion. The child is fed by its mother. The child has no religion. It is human. Be human, respect humans. There is no Christian, no Jewish, no Moslim blood, only human blood. With any religion one should afterall be a human. "  Now aged 102, this amazing woman continues to bear witness of what crimes human beings are capable of doing and the importance to learn the right lessons from history. Hate and revenge, collective punishment are not the solution, they only create a spiral of atrocities. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", this is not mend to demand revenge, but to say (at a time of lots of brutality): don't allow your revenge to be bigger than the unjust that has been done to you. A wise man once said that the former would lead to half the world blind and toothless. Margot Friedlaender wrote a book about a Jewish girl hiding in Berlin: "Try to make your life. " In the whole world there are still 245,000 Holocaust survivors alive, 14,000 live in Berlin. In the past they have often been called traitors by other folks of Jewish religion. And by the way, the biggest Palestinian community in Europe also live in Berlin. The horrible massacre of 7th October made life very difficult for both sides. The craddle of mankind stood in Africa, our common colour of skin was black, there is no master race and in my opinion no space for "chosen people" in a civilized society., we are all humans. James Baldwin: "People will always hate what they don't understand and they hate so much because they understand so little." 

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