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Thursday 23 May 2024

Postscript Just the Normal Madness

" In wartime truth is so precious that it should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." Churchill. "It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both." "Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil." Nicolo Machiavelli. "Prejudicies are what fools use for reason." "Let us read and let us dance, these 2 amusements will never do any harm in the world." "To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, one must also be polite."  "I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: " Oh Lord make my enemies ridiculous. "  And God granted it." Jean  Voltaire.                                      We live in a land of a million possibilities, unfortunately not all are positive. While in Sousse supply of milk appears to be okay now, but sugar remains a rare commodity, it is the other way around in Kairouan. For a short time bananas were sold at a more reasonable price but it has gone up again. Wonder why they are much cheaper in Germany. After all Germany doesn't grow his own bananas but usually buys them from the same company, United Fruit, a company with an interesting - bad reputation, the source of the expression "Banana Republic", following the wars to protect their interests with US aid. The need to teach environmental protection is nicely demonstrated looking at school buildings usually surrounded by lots of rubbish (wrappings of various kind, papers, etc). In U. K. parents of children that don't attend school can be send to prison. I was surprised to learn that the same law exists in Tunisia. I am convinced not many are here aware of it either, unfortunately. It amazes me how several kids feel they don't need to finish school but at the same time dream of a good life in Europe. The new fashion among youngsters to ride tuned up motorbikes at high speed even in residential areas ("letting off steam") , plus numerous cars on the road, burning of rubish etc. in the open, create a lot of pollution and fine dust that effect eyes and respiration organs, the waiting rooms of the concerned specialists are crowed. The pollen dispersal has become more aggressive due to air pollution, which of course also leads to many deaths. The other day a minor accident with a motorcycle, one wheel up in the air. I heard a loud bang, a young man limbed with the aid of another man to a car, the motorcyclist had to push his vehicle. Hope he learned his lesson, but that may be just wishful thinking on my part. Next day I viewed another youngsters who nearly crashed with his motorbike, front wheel up in the air, into a parked lorry, of which the driver was kind of angry. - During the Vietnam war US at first allowed journalist to fly with army soldiers in a helicopter and watch their performance. This eventually led to "unwanted" reports and pictures reaching US citizens. Not surprisingly it effected a change in public opinion and demands to stop the war. Nowadays journalism is considered one of the most dangerous profession in the world. The British-Palestinian Dean of Glasgow university, chirurgien and plastique surgeon, Ghassan Abu Sitta, spend a few weeks working in a Gaza hospital and was invited to attend in Berlin a conference about Palestine. At the border to Germany he was barred entrance without explaination, seems "German Administration Act" doesn't require this. At the time he was told, though, this would be for one month, for the Schengen countries. When the aforementioned Glasgow University Dean was at a later date invited to give witness to the French Senate in Paris, he experienced again refusal to enter an European country. The French officials didn't know why, only that Germany listed him for one year as a person to be barred. Even though Mr. Ghassan Abu Sitta had employed a lawyer to gain information denied to him by the German government, he was taken by surprise that the period of one month was expented to one year and the French Senate was also not amused, at least Germany couldn't prevent him to speak via a video link. By the way, 30 German lawyers tried to sue German politians, including Scholz, "over complicity in Gaza." Haven't heard the outcome yet. Several high ranking US state officials (e. g. Josh Paul) resigned "over US violating its own laws" concerning arms delivery restrictions to conflict zones. Simular laws exist in Germany. People will loose trust in international laws if all are ignored. Joe Biden expressed that in his opinion the International Criminal Court's juristriction has to deal with "thugs like Pution and African leaders" not with Netanyahu. By the by, my information comes from established public news sources that are neutral and not one-sided. 

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