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Wednesday 29 May 2024

Wild and Gorgeous

Our new family members. 
Fleur with her babies

One poor stray

They are family, like to sleep cuddling together. 

Nikola and Melanie

 "Everyone's worried about terrorism. Well, there's really an easy way: Stop participating in it." Noam Chompsky.   "A stubborn fly will follow a corpe to the grave and be buried with it."  "It is not the stab at the back that hurts. It is when you turn back and see who's holding the knife." "Be careful when you always feed every dog that you see suffering... some need the strength to bite you. (Ungrateful people)" Ubuntu African Proverbs.              Approx. 10 of our cats are 5 or 6 years old and arrived at our door step as young kittens, either secretly abandoned or brought by folks requesting us to accept them as new pets. Seeing them now as beautiful fairly fit adults prooves that years ago cats' immune system was much stronger. I have seen and tried to help numerous kittens which sadly passed away before having a chance to more or less enjoy life for 2 or 3 months, poor babies, sudden feral babies' death has become very common. Following a lot of explainations that cat babies less than 10 days old (eyes still closed) have no chance to survive without the mother and less than 6 weeks only slim chances, at least neighbors arround here stopped abandoning extreme young feral babes. Sadly, though, kittens' life remains taff. One homeless, regular visitor to my Cats' Table, recently gave birth to 4 kittens, in a fairly secure place, near the house of an animal friendly lady. When I noted the mother carried a bit of cats' sausage in her mouth to feed her babies, I followed her. Now she comes to my door and we go together to feed her little ones. She doesn't want her breakfast before her kittens are fed, dedicated loving mum. Another 3 cute, long haired kittens arrived, than another one, missing their mother, calling her and looking for food. I worry they may get run over by a car or one of our meniac motorbike riders, but I am overwhelmed. I can only offer a bit of food and water. Occasionally someone brings something to eat for strays, a slight ray of light. Our eldest darling, gorgeous Tiger, reached this month an age of 11 years. His mother, 3 coloured Amira, allowed me to attend her when she gave birth to him and his 3 sisters, Bijou, Sandy and Soleil. All lived with us until they passed over the rainbow, extremely sad days when we lost our precious little treasures, everyone an original, Bijou daddy's girl while Sandy clearly preferred my company. She used to purr me to sleep. We hope and pray that at least Tiger will enjoy a long life. Cuddling with him is so great. Today I discovered Fleur gave birth to a cute black and one white baby. She did this without much ado and not even one drop of blood to be seen. The second time I viewed such a "perfect clean up" by a cat mum. Strange, in other cases there was lots of blood. Everything isn't always the way it seems at first sight. Apparently Fleur had 4 babies (the usual number here) , 2 unfortunately died soon after being born and later on I discovered a bit of blood on a blanket. The place where I first discovered the alive new borns, screaming for their mum, was not their original delivery site. Anyhow, I congratulated my husband on " becoming once more a gradfather ". He looked a bit surprised. So I told him, the babies are beautiful. Hopefully Fleur will look well after them. The little jewels are very quiet. I fear she may understand it as that they do not require much feeding of mummy milk. -  Heard a German say that she comes from South Africa. Asked why she says that she replied that she would like to be proud of her country. South Africa is a great country, very dedicated to human rights, achieved a lot, nontheless not yet a paradise, but which country is. When Ghandi visited U. K. journalists asked him: "What do you think about civilzation in the Western World?"  He replied: " I  think it would be a good idea." We live in a world of censorship, greed, corruption, public opinion manipulation, "Big brother watching" (1984, Gorge Orwell), enormous sums spend on weapons (enough to prevent poverty everywhere), a sad develpment for humanity's. But there will always be folks with admirable courage who stand in for their values. The internationally regonized American Associated Press (A. P.) used to report via videos from Gaza. This Netanyahu has stopped now. Even when caught in the act, gun still smoking, as long as there hasn't been a court sentence, in German media the person in question is always named the "suspected assassin". For several months, though, there is a big exception, whenever Netanyahu says something, it is treated like an in stone chiseled fact. Choise of words are revealing, one method to manipulate public opinion. Whom do you call a criminal, a terrorist, or a rebel, a freedom fighter, résistance member? Some condemned today, at a later date become members of a government. Peace negotiation usually don't take place among friends.  14,000 innocent children have already died in Gaza. Not only the families of those still held hostage by Hamas are missing their dear ones, so do also Palestinians, they too love their children, family members and friends. 

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