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Monday, 8 July 2024

Summer Time and it ain't always Easy

 "The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone."  "The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is the way they become."  "Let everybody sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean." "Wisdom is only found in truth." "Doubt grows with knowledge."  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.                   To begin with it seemed that lovely Jane only gave birth to two babies, but she just had a break and next day surprised us with altogether three lively ones (an additional one had died). I first feared that only one remains, and it would have no sister or brother to cuddle with. The new borns simply love to cuddle with each other! So cute. Jane is amazing. Until shortly before her babies arrived she climbed up walls like an athletic, now she is a devoted mum. But nothing like Madonna, she hardly ever gets up and doesn't seem to want to leave her lovely babies even for a few minutes. We now have mothers with their new borns in a basket, in a padded draw (underneath a sink) and in the wooden cave like box of the big " climbing and claw grooming tree". Due to my poor health lately I had missed taken these three females to the vet to get them spayed and neutered in good time. Fleur's kittens are lucky, they are now 5 weeks old (at an age when local folks usually have already long  separated the babies from the paws of their loving mother), and their mummy still looks well after them, provides them with her milk. Did our " feral daughters" read Karl Marx? Anyway they follow his advise : "Trust is good, control is better." Whenever I check how the little ones are, the respective mother quickly arrives and watches me closely. Fleur's lovely all black and the Siamese baby enjoy cuddling with our gentle blind boy, Loulou. Hamdullah so far all the little families are fine. Joe Biden accused Donald Trump of having the moral of a street cat. Joe Biden doesn't seem to know much about street cats. In my experience they are generally well behaved, they show respect, are great mothers. Several brought their kittens to my Cats' Table, so that they know where to find food and water. On other occasions they carry their piece of cats ' sausage to their babies. In my experience strays, cats and dogs, are here non-aggressive and always grateful for a bit of food and water. I would even go as far to say their manners are much better than that of the local hooligans on our street, who believe the street belongs to them, no matter what, and unfortunately are in the habit of screaming while playing football, as if bitten by scorpions. In addition we had a wedding celebration on our street, lasting 5 days, right around our house. All very nice and impressive, if it wouldn't be for the music at a deafening level, up to 2 a. m. in the morning. Not to forget the usual fire works, in spite of the high temperature. Luckily all went well and they didn't start an unwanted fire, unlike that on a Greek island (fire works from a yacht, even though forbidden) . Nothing more enjoyable than the sound of silence....... pity folks here don't see it that way. - Thank heaven for the election result in France and Great Britain. Citizen aren't so stupid after all. The new prime minister of UK as first measure cancelled the shameful contract with Ruanda, which was designed to rid UK of  asylum seekers and other refugees, depose them to Ruanda, a country that they may well have no connection with whatsoever. For this service Ruanda received 300 million dollar, seemingly attractive to a poor country. (They meanwhile hinted that they won't reimburse what was paid under the deportation deal.) Strange idea of a (Hamdullah meanwhile ex-)  prime minister, Mr. Sunak, who quite obviously himself has foreign roots. Anyhow, human rights activists tried to stop the practicually cancelling of rights to gain asylum. By the way, immigrants can be quite profiable to a country. Proof is there, e. g. those who fled Germany because of the terrible Nazi period, several advanced the US economy and enabled their new country to fly to the moon. New ideas and different experiences enrich a country. Nonetheless some German politicians thought they could perhaps learn from Mr. Sunak and maybe even send refugees back to Afghanistan. Those who have to fear for their life and that of their family under the Taliban, on account of their previous jobs, e. g. working for the German forces, had been given verbal confirmation of asylum in Germany. So they sold their possessions /properties and packed their suitcases. Then there was a sudden change in German policy, all already

Cat mum taking her kitten to my Cats 'Table ". 
Baby sitter Loulou with Fleur' s babies. 

Jeremy watching from the top. 

After the celebration

Sweet Bonita looking impressive. 

approved applicants were interviewed and all of the sudden declared a security risk. No further explanation and no visas. What has become of Germany? So shameful, several civil servants declared off the record that human rights have lost their value. Germany seems to be no longer interested in helping those who need protection with the exception of Ukraine and Israel. But even Jews who criticize Israeli politics are no longer welcome in Germany. Isn't it a democratic right any longer?- It is getting hotter, we may even have 50 degrees centegrate tomorrow. During summer banks are only open half day, I presume the employees have a better ventilation system in their houses. 

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