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Friday, 26 July 2024

For Better, for Worse, Bound to make Mistakes.

 "Ignorant man ask questions that wise man answered 1000 years ago." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.  "Before slavery Africa had a culture. We had medicine and our cure for malaria. Slavery brought diseases that we were not used to. Slavery brought industry and people were criticizing industry way back as 2000 years ago, that was to pollute the air, sea. Industry is not the way, we must deal with nature. ". Femi Kuti.  " What you seriously mean you better say jokingly. "  Wilhelm Busch.   " The noice of a frog doesn't stop an elephant from drinking water. "  Ubuntu African Proverb.                                                        One advantage of really hot sun burning down is hardly any kids on the street, crazy about playing football, at least not until later in the day. But I miss several elderly regular visitors to my Cats' Table, they used to arrive from all directions, some limping, some walking slowly - like Joe Biden lately. Wonder whether the poor darlings are still alive. No rain for months and pretty high temperatures, no winds apart from a little warm wind. At least we live not so far from the beech. Our cats are laying flat on the floor. Luckily they don't have to hunt for their food. In spite of the high temperatures our tapped water has latedly been turned off from approx. 5  or 6 a. m. until 6 p. m.  This means that those who go out early to get to work and return in the evening can't take a shower. But it is okay for long sleeping and jobless folks. Not sure whether the water is shut off because of repair works or because we are seriously getting short of our resource, probably both. Unfortunately this doesn't stop water wastage by several private households (watering the street), I know various such houses. When we saw a woman using a hose, we asked her how can she do this. She replied: "Not my house, I have been ordered to do this."

Years ago there were plenty of trees in e. g. Sousse and Kairouan. Nowadays not much shadow remains and this may well be taken by cars. Parking them on pavements is the usual standard. Where there are trees planted in such way that they form a roof, you can usually also find benches which, though, seem to be always occupied by men and youngsters. I would suggest to add benches reserved for females and perhaps elderly couples, possibly painted pink to make it obvious. As European tourists are often old age pensioners, who don't necessarily wish to stay on the hotel compound all the time, exploring the town and places worth seeing, they may well appreciate such benches. By the way, this thoughtless rubbish dumping doesn't make any town or village attractive. After the revolution many youngsters seem to respect nobody, so they will snatch elderly people's taxi, if they can, after all they are young, fit and have no time to waste. When folks try to be served first, as soon as they arrive, I frequently ask: "I see you are in a hurry. Are you wanted by the police?"  The other day I read that presently 538 folks are in jail and approx. 10,000  on the run because they have used bouncing checks. Well, they say that many  true words are spoken in jest...... It remains me of a cartoon I saw a while ago. A man with a big chain and a heavy iron ball on his leg, sitting in prison saying: "I am the Johnson that everybody tries to keep up with."  Guess I am lucky, my parents taught me to be modest, makes life easier. Doctors advice to drink a lot of water, in partcular when it's hot. Thinking of Palestinians starving and very little water available, how do they cope? Starving mothers have no, or hardly any mother milk for their babies. This is so cruel. I watch my feral mothers, they find it stressful to feed their little ones when the temperatures are so high. The still very young kittens taking a walk on the ground floor terrace, sometimes call:  "Mummy, where are you, I feel lost." Seems I worry more than Mummy does. So it is mainly me searching for them. Wonder how kids in Gaza manage when they loose their family or some family members, when there are no "save zones". Words of the great Leonard Cohen (story of Isaac, written several years ago) :  "You who built these altars now, to sacrifice these children, you must no do it anymore. A scheme is not a vision...." On German TV there is an organization suggesting to help children in Ukraine and donate 10 Euro. Good idea, but why forget Gaza where the situation is  absolute catastrophic? Kids eyes there have seen what no child should never be subjected to, many are traumatised. They need all the help in the world. I hope and pray that the horror ends soon. Hate and revenge are not good advisors. Tunisia, though certainly not a rich country, has send a ship with food, medications and expensive technical equipment for medical treatments. Following the ruling of the ICC, I wonder whether that court will remain a paper tiger or instruct the member countries to take appropriate steps. Concerning Wladimir Putin, they were quick to react.  "All are equal and some are more equal than others."  (George Orwell, Animal Farm.) 

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