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Monday, 18 November 2024

Postscript A New Season


 "Weaklings must lie."  "Age does not matter if the matter doesn't age."  Jean Paul. "If you want  to fool the world, tell the truth." "Preventive war is like committing suicide out of fear for death."  "People never lie as much as before an election, during a war, or after a hunt."  "God has  a special providence for fools, drunkards and the United States of America." "Hounds will follow those who feed them." Bismarck.  "Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error."  Tullius Cicero.                                                 Sweet Mary, for a long time our guarding 'watch cat' , sitting in front of our house, until a cheeky cat decided to take over her post, suffers from bad teeth and gum. She has become more nervous, not very helpful when I try to get her inside my transport box, so far unsuccessful. The other big cat with health problems, I managed to trick inside and take to the vet. He discovered that her swollen cheek was actually caused by parasites (mites) inside her ears. Itching ears in addition often lead to external wounds caused by ferals scratching themselves. Now I have to hide her antibiotics in pieces of sausage. But the recent experience to be left in a box for hours, and taken to undergo unpleasant treatments, was a shock for the lovely girl. So she didn't turn up for breakfast the next day, after that she had second thoughts and decided that I am not such a bad person after all. I was so happy to see the little darling again, no hard feelings. Tiger, our senior tomcat, is just crazy about sausage. The other day he bit my finger, while I was feeding him. I guess he needs glasses!!! The same applies to those cats who like to sit or walk in the middle of the streets. Perhaps one should put up a sign asking drivers to be aware of playing children and cats. Wondering why potatoes aren't always available? Are folks storing them, exspecting a war soon? No, definitely not. Folks not caring for their fellow citizens, only  interested in making profits, no matter what, withhold potatoes and some other basic foods from the market for monopoly and speculation. Some suspect that such criminals also intend to harm certain food supply for their own political reasons. Lately Tunisian authorities managed to discover and size 10 tons  of potatoes in a warehouse in outskirts of Sousse, 700 tons in Monastir, 40 tons in Madia, 2.2 tons in Bizerte. There are also other incidents where the concerned authorities' investigations were very successful. Thank heaven for that. It may sound strange that private tutoring outside educational institutions is banned by law, but not when one bears in mind the high percentage of pupils who have in the past been receiving private lessons by their teachers (boosting their income, those whose parents can pay thus get better results) . If the majority of students in a class are very weak, in my opinion either the pupils are exceptionally stupid or the teacher is not well trained. Teaching can be exciting, rewarding, fun, for both sides, but of course the teacher must not feel bored with teaching but kids used to spending lots of time on the street, no kindergarten, are not easy to educate. Parents should be made aware of this. (When I gave up teaching, my pupils protested, they wanted me to carry on.) A German politician suggested children should learn to read before starting school. It is estimated that every 5th Tunisian suffers from Diabetics, many not aware of this. Unfortunately quite a few products (soft drinks, including Coca Cola, cakes, and other processed foods) contain lots of sugar, much more than necessary, actually too much for my taste. -  The Pope urges investigations into  accusations of genocide committed against Palestinians. Interesting criminal court cases are about to happen, concerning Netanyahu, Trump and Mari Le Pen. The later can be sentenced to 5 years prison and equally long ban on all public/political functions (would mean no chance to become the next French president) plus a 2 million Euro fine. While the judge in Israel refused to further delay Netanyahu's court case, Trump was more successful. Judges had decided to postphone part of his cases until after the election and now the situation is difficult. The judges need a lot of courage if they intend to sentence the incoming president. Should it come to that, once in post, Trump will doubtlessly grant himself the 'Royal Pardon.' He inquired about this possibilty approx. 2 years ago and was advised, though this has never been done before in American history, the answer is Yes, he can. 

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