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Thursday, 5 December 2024

Age of Reasons as well as Double Standards.

 "Man is the only kind of varmit sets his own traps, baits it, then steps in it."   "A sad soul can kill quicker than than a germ."  "The discipline of the written word punishes both stupidity and dishonesty."   "I have seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing  look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think that humans are nuts." "Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts..... perhaps the fear of loss of power." John  Steinbeck.                                                                                                                                                Winter  is gently starting, usually after 4 p. m., lasting until round about 9 or 10 a. m. thus still sunny during the day. Autumn and spring only make a brief appearance in our time and age. Now in November, those who wish to send X-mas greetings to other countries, may be starting to do so, hoping it will arrive punctually. After the revolution, for some time, Tunisian postal service left must to be desired (delivered by "snail mail" or may be getting lost in transit, "Barmuda triangle" ). Well, this very much improved, but now the German Post's services are often of a "Third World" standard, so it seems., more than 26,000 complaints, notifications often unreadable, wrongly delivered letters and parcels. Have they employed too much cheap, unmotivated labour, folks who need glasses? As the British say, if you want to pay peanuts, you end up with monkeys. Well, it can only get better. Possible problem : many elderly postmen retired and are replaced by new employees who may be require training in reading various types of handwritting. On the other hand, I just found out, it is also possible to get mail delivered from Tunisia to Germany in just 11 days, normal letter without extra charge, astonishing. - Precious, the lovely street cat I recently took to the vet, looks as if she could be the mother of our gorgeous Ali, fluffy, well fed, long hair (some Persian blood) big paws, gentle. Only the fur has a different design, but after all the mother usually has only one kitten looking like "a copy of mummy". Anyhow, since I started to offer Precious separately her own sausage, with Marbourcyl medication hidden inside, she now sits in the morning on my pavement, waiting to be served, lets the others chase their share of delicious pieces of "salami". She is so sweet, I love cats with their own character and feel honoured to serve this lady! The latest hit and presently the most expensive cat in the world is a very special breed, cats without fur. Apart from thus removing the beautiful protection that nature gave to the poor little treasures, isn't it cruel? And why, just to create something exotic and make extra money from those that regard animals as expensive toys to show off? These naked cats' skin must be very sensitive, poor creatures. Hope this fashion won't last long. -   According to UN officials Palestinian children have per capita the highest amount of amputations in the world. Lord have mercy. Wondering why US is not a member of ICC supporting countries, those that signed when it was founded, but nevertheless wants to dictate the ICC policies? In the 2002 Hague Invation Act the United States actually threatens invation of any state complying with an ICC warrant for US citizens. Guess they don't trust their army members always abiding by international laws and regulations. What do they fear? Strange, as long as their country investigates and proscecutes possible war crimes the ICC won't act. While the international arrest warrant was fairly quickly issued against Putin - even though not a member (it was considered important against which country war crimes were committed) - some countries want to apply different conditions concerning Netanyahu and Galant. Now that at long last the international arrest warrents are issued (even several Israelian politicians call it war crimes and genocide against Palestinians), not all western countries seem to be willing to act in line with the ICC rules. They are loosing their credibility. "All are equal and some are more equal than others." (George Orwell). Even Marcon doesn't want to cleary say that Netanjahu would have to be arrested should he visit France, seems to be a reaction to demanded conditions (from Netanjahu) for signing a cease-fire deal for Libanon. Amnesty International doesn't state any accusations as facts if they haven't been thoroughly investigated, listen to their clearly worded reports. Doctors without Borders are shocked by the continued attacks against hospitals, patients and medical staff. This is unprecedented. All this senseless suffering must end. The world deserves better politicans, diplomatic not weaponry solutions. I hope and pray for a two-

states solution, money spend on urgently required aid, reconstruction, and environmental protection. Hate and revenge only destroys our world, we should be more advanced. 

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