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Wednesday 24 May 2017

Create Jobs

 As in other countries too, successful environment protection offers a lot of scope for additional employments. No money? If more people are tasked with charging those who ignore regulations/laws, e.g. not to throw wrappings or other litter onto the streets, not to use a mobile phone while driving, etc. there would be plenty of money coming in. These jobs could be self-financing! Some streets look more or less clean now, yet in other areas it is obvious that old habits die hard. Some folks may even not be aware that these new laws are also valid for them. I view all sorts of rubbish on the streets whenever I open my front door. Kids never knew any different, what you don't need, just drop it, where ever you are. One boy advised me: This is Tunisia, it's normal here, constant yelling also. If you don't like it you can lump it! I replied: "No, such bad behaviour does not exist everywhere in Tunisia. Why are you running Tunisia down?" Poor people cannot pay fines? Most kids here  have mobile phones, usually even with Internet. I saw children riding motorbikes, is this okay? At the crossroads here, between 20 -30 children meet every day, those of one age group gang together, either kicking balls against any house wall, or climb onto them, chase cats, throw stones, they are out on the street all day until late at night. Those who attend school arrive more or less straight afterwards.  When stones are considered to be toys, and animals are not seen as living creatures, elderly not worth listening to, etc. this means plenty of work for  street workers and urgent need of kindergartens, infant-schools for kids from poor families. This would give these youngsters a chance to become good citizens. I hear the German Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Tunis/Marsa supports a Kindergarten in Tunis, perhaps they could be approached or other sources. Another point, these youngsters don't seem to know the beautiful world books can open to them. They read school books that's it. Mobile libraries in buses to promote reading would be great. One can learn so much through good books. Parents who read fairy tales to their little kids stimulate their intelligence.

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