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Sunday 21 May 2017

Living with Cats

Lately I noticed several cats with (so far) non-fatal head injuries that don't look like the effect of fighting with other cats, but rather like contact with persons suffering from withered brains (when boredom, ignorance and lack of empathy come together). Safir, a lovely gentle cat, after whom I've been looking ever since he was approx. 3 months old, always stayed close to my house whenever he went outside. One day I discovered a bleeding hole on the right side of his check, teeth visible. The vet informed me, he must have got burnt wilfully with a lighter, the wound worsened through bacteria. As hooligans, always up to no good (don't I know it!) like to sit on the steps of the unoccupied house next door, I am convinced it was one of them who did it. Proud to be stupid and destructive! The vet stitched the wound twice; it didn't last long. She advised me a third time would be no good, I could try to clean the wound, but this would mean "Betadine" getting into Safir's mouth, and there was always some wound liquid seeping out. Poor Safir decided to make the best out of his hopeless situation and ignored it as long as possible (now approx. 5 months), continue to go out on the street for a couple of hours a day, chase the ladies....., cuddle with me, never lament, I admire his courage! For 4 days meanwhile he withdrew himself, doesn't eat, drank only a tiny bit, I fear he's going to die. I am so sad.
If there is a paradise, I can only say that in this part of Souse I know more cats than people who deserve it. Gloria, the most beautiful cat I have ever seen, came as usual for her breakfast, but didn't eat, I was surprised to hear her mourning, then I discovered she brought her dead baby kitten (approx. 3 weeks old) to me. I tried to comfort her by stroking her gorgeous fur. Not sure she's got a house, she always looks very neat. I felt sorry for the poor mum. There was a time when Tunisians recognised the value of cats, as they protected them against scorpions, cockroaches, mice, rats etc. I see cats as a present from heaven, little fur angels, a ray of sunshine. Why do even toddlers here try to chase them, throw stones....? It must be the bad models they are watching, one way children learn. I try to set a good example, different behaviour is possible. Silence is a sign of consent. You don't have to be rich to teach your children respect, good manners, empathy. If you believe in God/Allah, what right have you to abuse his creatures?

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