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Monday 29 May 2017

Ramadan and other Events

 On the first day of Ramadan, the holly month, approx. 1 year old beloved gentle Safir's suffering ended. It was caused by neighbourhood thugs who burnt a hole into his cheek, bacteria penetrated and the vet unfortunately couldn't heal my brave little angel s (see also "living with cats"). Sadly animal abuse is not  uncommon in this part of Souse.Those  who consider that of no great importance (plenty of other problems to deal with....), may well wake up one day and discover that kids/teens growing up without empathy, respect, basic values, have turned into horrible adults - not good citizens, caring husbands and fathers! Quite a few men on "death row" in the USA started their career torturing animals. On Sunday, I happened to view  a boy, approx. 10 years old, trying to hit and possibly kill my lovely Honey (who already had lost her tail under unknown/suspicious circumstances) with a big stone, while she was sitting underneath a car. Luckily he missed her, when he saw me he ran like the devil (I must train fast running like those thugs here.) Honey lives with me and likes to be a bit outside as well - which appears to be very dangerous when hooligans, detached from civilisation, are around. Several youngsters with equally low I.Q./ education were watching and laughing, demonstrating their sick sense of humour and that they are a disgrace to Tunisia! No decent civilised person would consider such evil acts as "funny", feel strong and superior witnessing my helpless fight against windmills. - At 5 o'clock this morning, following a loud night (this is Ramadan), 6 kids decided it's time to play football. I really miss those noise restricting (silent rest hours) laws from Europe. A neighbour managed to stop them, thank heaven. Lack of sleep doesn't have a positive effect on brain activities. Some people believe wearing a head scarf and fastening during Ramadan makes a good muslin, I believe it is at least as important not to abuse animals, teach children that animals are not toys and this idiotic stone throwing must stop. Books are better teachers than the street.

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