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Saturday 10 June 2017

Postsript Proverbs Upside Down

"Knowledge is power", are those with little knowledge then weak? Einstein said stress is the result of daily contact with idiots; this means idiots can cause a lot of stress for people with a high IQ, they have their "weapons", stress can be powerful and quite destructive, physical and mental. -Two men sitting on a bench. A stranger arrives asking them the way to the beech. As he doesn't get a reply, he enquires in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Dutch, no reaction. So he leaves and one of the two men says to the other one: "He speaks a lot of languages." Replies the other one: "Yes, but did it do him any good?" One advantage people with rather limited knowledge have, they don't see many possibilities and are dead sure while intelligent individuals are often full of doubt. If you are successful with one method (which may be crude) then you no reason to change it. And if there are more folks just like you, then you must be right, so why listen to reason? Besides, we all have two ears, this means no need to listen, you can (many do) let news/unwanted information pass straight through and happily remain in your cosy little world. According to the Bible: If you don't become like the children you won't enter Paradise - doesn't this mean that a lot of the folks here will be in heaven one day? Hopefully cats, dogs, etc. won't have to join them! - It would not be fair not to mention these Tunisians in Souse who showed outstanding spirit of sacrifice during the terrorist attack in El Kantoui, trying to and in several cases actually succeeding to save tourists' life. A witness reported he heard a Tunisian saying to the terrorist: Don't kill the tourists, shoot me. Those policemen who acted unprofessionally were quite rightfully sacked after the incident. Anyhow, if hotel, restaurant and other people in the tourist trade welcome you like an old friend, it can be genuine "Mahaban", you don't find anti-tourists demonstrations here like in Majorca!

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