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Friday 9 June 2017

Proverbs Upside Down

Mother: Doctor you must come quickly, my little son is very sick. Doctor: What's wrong with him, did he fall? Mother: Can't tell you, the crossroads, where he plays football, is 5 Min. walk from here. Doctor: How do you know then that he is sick? Mother: He stopped his normal yelling..... "Children should be seen not heard?" Seems to work perfectly well the other way around. Children of all ages, the youngest hardly 2 years old, roam the street, always running, screaming, playing football until Midnight, perfectly protected in a crowd of up to 30 kids. Parents don't worry something bad could happen to them, e.g. encounter an evil person, such things don't happen here! "Gold speech is silver, silence is golden." That's nothing for Africa, the other way around okay. You can hear a never ending flood of words, without any punctuation, coming from kids of all ages and of course adults. And anyhow, when you are in Africa, forget silence, it's a luxury. If you like extreme noise, you've come to the right place. "First come, first served." Nice thought. The folks are amazing. You may not only be pushed aside, Trump style, even while you are finally being served, someone may  suddenly appear, pretend you are not there and get the sales person to immediately serve him/her. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." The people here (I am never talking about the whole population of Tunisia, in no country exists a unity of folks, all alike, no that would be very stupid, I mean just the amazing individuals I encounter in this part of Souse.) have problems with planning and maths and therefore don't think that far. Thus quite a few won't think twice if they feel the inclination to bite the hands that feed them. Besides, babies in Europe are born with a golden spoon in their mouth. This means they don't deserve to be better off then some folks here (strange, there are more new expensive cars on the road, more teens on a motorbike around then in European countries).  Since envy doesn't make you rich, only ugly, several youngsters use their surplus energy to damage or destroy the object of their grudge. "What little Hans doesn't learn Hans won't master as an adult." What ever kids get up to, climbing over walls, ignoring/damaging other people's property, throwing stones at objects, children, adults or animals, you usually hear: "They are only children". My reply (from experience): "Children can kill." It appears to be common believe that it is perfectly okay to act totally irresponsible until the age of 15 and then, overnight the teens will understand they will no longer get away "with murder" (?).  Otherwise the usual remedy for all (kids and adults) is beating, a good hiding - really? It certainly doesn't reduce aggression, as all experts know. I noticed little boys quickly start to cry and are ready to disclose the name of the evil-doer (no solidarity among them). School holidays are long (14  weeks in summer and several other short ones during the year) and most "students" don't know what to do during this time, they waste the time roaming the streets, getting up to no good, never opening a book, clearing their brains of whatever the teacher taught them. They won't agree with me as they are "born to play football", their purpose in life!

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