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Friday 30 June 2017

Environmental Conscience

 DThe uneducated/illiterate (of course exemptions exist) neither care for their country nor their/their children's health and future. "Sonede" (Tunisia's water resources agency) send a message on mobile phones, advising folks that the available water is limited and should not be senselessly wasted. An important message, though those resistant to education will ignore it as usual. You may be surprised by viewing ever so many "burst pipes" flooding streets for 10 meters or more. Well, this is usually not due to burst pipes, but to women cleaning their floors, believing extreme water wastage, for everyone to watch, means they are very clean, respectable persons! In addition several houses have horizontal pipes projecting onto the pavement area for discharging water from the first floor onto the pavement/street. Sounds like heavy rain - free shower with dirty water, if you don't watch out. - Youngsters/ young men racing around this part of town on their motor bikes (amazing, no accidents as far as I know) have a large number painted on the side, proudly create extreme noise pollution and black stinking clouds. They just don't give a damn concerning the health effects on the folks here, feeling like kings, absolute freedom (the new cancer generation?) and are possibly training for a motor race at a later date. - Blind vandalism, no awareness of unlawful, dishonest doings, no social control, indifference and insensibility of neighbours, if you meet this and try to effect changes of behaviour - it's like fighting against windmills and the "normal" reaction will be insolent answer from cheeky young rascals and impudent fellows. This is why some have given up, raised their walls, exchanged their windows for double glazing ones, close the doors and pray for silence and peace. The costs are high, Tunisia deserves better than this! Reminds me of that old USA poster saying: "Don't ask what this country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Make Tunisia beautiful again! Don't accept bad manners, neither from  children nor adults, don't let the ignorant spoil this beautiful country. In Germany the police can in future confiscate cars/motorbikes as a punishment for dangerous driving, if this was done here, the police would have much needed additional vehicles available, besides, such a punishment would make many think twice before risking to loose their beloved motorbike or car. Some streets are very clean now, while other parts don't look as if a new law for the protection of the environment exists. I am sure not everything happens unnoticed, we need citizens who make clear that dropping garbage (wrappings, plastic water bottles, etc) just anywhere is not acceptable. It may appear easier to just ignore, but that way nothing will change. And yes, we need clean beaches, clean water, water treatment plants, much needs to be done, some only government authorities can tackle, but there is a lot we citizens can do  and hopefully we'll have more educated people willing to engage themselves for a better and healthier environment and future. Tunisia is worth it!

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