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Thursday 14 September 2017

Postcript Life never gets Boring

Should there ever be an Olympic competition in queue jumping, Tunisian would obtain all medals. Sometimes I wonder in which jungle various folks grew up. Strange, I never encountered such rude manners before - not for decades. I think it's important to complain and make these elbow folks feel embarrassed. In the neighborhood
a small supermarket owner watched a man pulling a woman by her arm aside so that he can be first at the counter. When the shop owner asked him, what are you doing, the guy replied: "I'm in a hurry." This is a standard "excuse" for this type of people. It appears they don't even have the time to say: "Excuse me, would you allow me to be served first..... " With so many unemployed, why are all these folks in a hurry? To get to the cafe? Would they have the time  to work should a job be offered to them? Time management and planning abilities are frequently underdeveloped , this I noted over and over again here. Anyhow, the shopkeeper's further reaction: "You better go to the market, I will not serve You". Fantastic, wow, more of this please! It is such a shame most of the time crude behaviour appears to be acceptable nowadays, they manage to get serviced first, nobody says anything. They have no reason to change, success makes you stronger - do we want an elbow society? - For unknown reasons the postal service doesn't function well. Several letters and parcels from and to Germany and England over and over again don't arrive, and those that do often take much longer than in the past. The local postman is not the problem, I am sure. He knows us and appears to be quite reliable. We've complained to the postal headquarters in Tunis and of course never received a reply. This is normal here, since they didn't ask us to write to them, why waste time and money on a reply? In Europe authorities and other folks working in an admin section have on the computer a program with elements that only need to be put together as appropriate in order to print e.g. a reply in no time, then just add the name and address of the recipient. This is obviously considered a luxury in Tunisia, what you don't know you won't miss. Any how, I hope my bog makes some persons think. Thank you if you do, it would mean that all my academic education and efforts are not wasted here. Let us all try to make Tunisia great and enjoy the beauty.

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