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Wednesday 27 September 2017

The Good, the Bad & those In-Between

 Father:"My son, if you ever manage to be the only one in the the class who can answer one of your teacher's question, I'll buy you a new football." A couple of days later: "Daddy, the teacher asked, why the light isn't working and I knew the answer." Father: " Good, this concerns physics, what did you say?" Son: "I smashed the light bulb." - The other day folks (mainly elderly) met and prayed for rain, badly needed for the crops and water supply. It did actually rain that day, but very very little in Souse, in Kairouan more, but in addition there was hail and storm. The extreme weather everywhere this year one can see as an answer to people who believe, like Trump, that money is more valuable than nature and scientific knowledge reference the effects on the climate can be ignored. There is so much pollution in the air, soil and water that should and could be reduced, but we have too many short-sighted young and not so young folks who just don't care (live fast, die young). Anyhow, surprise, surprise, it rained again the next and the following day. Seems like if good citizens pray for rain, they'll get rewarded! - The effects of negligence on children can be studied in this part of Souse. The kids don't know how to play (apart from football according to their own, local rules, or sometimes game at marble), their games are full of aggression, hitting, kicking, throwing stones, running and yelling, boys and girls alike, a nightmare when they gang together, no respect for anyone. As one man from the neighbourhood put it: "Good parents have good children. Then there are those with bad parents who don't care, don't educate their kids, these children can not be blamed for the way they are."  Several persons stressed they won't allow their children to mix with those who roam the streets. I can understand if one sometimes feels tempted to beat the little and not so little hooligans (though violence can never be the solution, it only makes more aggressive), if this happens suddenly the father/mother or both appear, furious, may be even ready to start a fight because of their for ever innocent angels. A sample of a good mother, Gloria, my gorgeous "street cat", when an orphan kitten asked her for milk, she laid down and allowed the little one to drink. She is so lovely, gentle, respects and trusts me. Lately some big expensive cars passed my house, driving slowly, the men, women and children apparently enjoyed watching these beautiful peaceful cats in front of my house. One man told me: "Now that you feed the cats here, they have changed, they are contend and relaxed." The only problem remaining are these neglected kids that still try to get rid of their frustrations by throwing stones at cats (even those hiding beneath cars), my house, me. I guess what their parents teach them is, if you feel envy, there is a simple solution, you have the power to ensure that certain persons can't enjoy whatever they possess. Do I need to stress, I never show off, don't wear expensive jewellery, usually no handbag, no mobile phone when I go out on the street (in case of an emergency immediate help is highly unlikely, unless by decent people who happen to notice this)? How can kids who grew up without love, were never taught basic values (unless at school, before it's too late?) become good wives/husbands/ parents? Some call them "the lost generation".  When I say, with their life style they won't get old, I often hear: Just as well. What a horrible thought.  Information from the radio, parents complained their poor kids have nowhere to sit at school during their break, when they leave the building. Are they that old and fragile that they most urgently need to sit down again? Perhaps there should be some settees in the school yard , so these poor students can relax and maybe sleep a bit? When I attended school there were also no benches etc., supposed to be better for the body and brain not to constantly sit down. Maybe this is too much for those kids who travel to school by taxi. When I was young I walked 5 km to grammar school because I wanted to save the bus fare for paperbacks. I just loved literature (still do!) and discovered at a very young age writers like James Baldwin, Ernest Hemingway, Arthur Miller, etc.  - Mainly elderly folks, educated, good manners, several religious (not fanatics) give me hope, they represent the good Tunisia, its beauty. One thing one can learn here, the importance of education. Unfortunately it is impossible to force parents to love their offspring, but perhaps one can make them understand what they are doing to their kids. Let us educate the ignorant, Tunisia is beautiful, don't allow them to spoil this. We have laws/regulations to achieve clean streets  etc., the fines for offenders are  high - catch a few and the word will spread. Maybe no more chewing gum, cigarette packets and other wrappings on my pavement in future and a  clean area along school buildings, etc. I look forward to that. The ladies living in houses overlooking places with rubbish containers (several cleaning up daily, a bit like fighting windmills) will also very much appreciate this.

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