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Monday 9 July 2018

Postcript Not all are the same

The Colombian national football team leader is very sad, so a fairy offered him one free wish. "I wish we could be exchanged against the Tunisian team." The fairy asked: "But why, you played better in the world cup." Reply: " Some guys want to kill us because we can't win the cup. In Tunisia it is different, they celebrate you for every goal!" - In a documentary (My Tunisia, Aljazeera English) the father of a young talented football player says: 'We breath football, it is our escape from stress." Yes, all the male kids, teens, etc. are football crazy. They play every spare minute until midnight, at least where I live. There should be a lot of talented players, but unfortunately they lack discipline, team spirit, respect, have their very own rules, ignore the traffic and don't care if they damage the walls of surrounding houses, or cause other damages, they are the kings of the road. Pity there aren't more football fields available for them, school yards etc. could also be used. I've been told these children cause too much damage and leave the place dirty. That could be overcome by having an adult trainer on site who could at the same time teach them what their parents don't, the right behaviour, self-control, fair play and not to leave their markings (rubbish) behind. An easy way to get these kids off the streets where they would otherwise only learn bad language, not to respect anyone, yell, climb and run, how to become a hooligan. For those families  with little income it would mean an alternative to existing football clubs whose fee poor families can't meet. It is not so easy to judge how much income some families have. There are all these expensive new cars, lots of motorbikes, (bicycles are rare unlike Holland, Germany, etc. where citizens in my opinion are more health-orientated), expensive mobile phones, some kids all dressed up like professional players and there are the other cases, the obviously less fortunate. - Though it is already rather hot, I noticed less young men riding their motorbike topless. I guess they are "real men" as such their skin is enough protection in case of an accident, easily caused by a flying football, the interesting driving style of several male and female drivers, multi-tasking driving (phoning, car drivers having exiting conversations, hands up in the air, etc.). - It was discovered that 60,000 university graduates have left the country, in view of 62% unemployment among them quite understandable (other countries call it a brain-drain and get worried) nevertheless, this high rate of unemployment is rather strange (an indication that knowing the right persons and being able and willing to pay for being selected as "the best candidate" counts more than qualification?) and must be a real discouragement for those still attending school. Why bother if education gets you nowhere? I keep hearing  we must change our mentality. I would put it differently, we must educate the ignorant, make them see the beauty of this country and their responsibility towards their children (if you neglect them, they owe you nothing when you are old and needy), the importance of protecting nature, empathy with animals that are also Allah's creation. If you want to be respected you must act in a civilised way, an elbow society is not attractive for anyone. It is nice to have money, but it isn't everything. Friendly words, a smile can go a long way. Do you really need to get paid for every thing you do?

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