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Sunday 29 July 2018

Summer Time

Two men meeting. "I hear you got married, are you happy?" "Yes, we got a contract." "A contract?"  "I make all the big decisions and my wife the minor ones." "Like what?" "Who should be the next president, should Trump be impeached, should we remain a democracy ?" "And your wife?" " Which house shall we buy, what is the right education for our children, which is the right job for me." - It is getting pretty hot. The water is  turned off every night, from 10 p.m. until 5 or 6 a.m. (doesn't effect hotels), then we receive approx. 3 or 4 buckets full of milky coloured water, bad for  the washing machine, coffee machine, toilet flush (adds sand to the system), wonder what poor folks do who can't afford mineral water. Some people were surprised to learn that one should read the values on the mineral water bottles (e.g. Nitrate should not be above 5). Wonder why the water supply is turned off , to make citizens aware of the value of water? Can't be a real saving, as that milky coloured water is only of limited value, unless saved for cleaning - but can and will house wives who love to use lots of water for cleaning, collect this in large drums? As usual it will take time to change the ignorants' mentality, who are accustomed to also ignore new laws and regulations, whenever there is no one there to enforce them (like not dropping wrappings/garbage where ever they like, not phoning while driving, etc.). Children need to be taught at school to respect and value nature/ their country. They learn quickly, if presented the right way enjoy doing so and hopefully pass on their newly gained knowledge to their families. Every brick counts to built a better society. You don't know what you've got until it's gone. Young men feel great riding their motorbike - but must it be tuned to create the utmost noise and air pollution? The black cloud stinks, according to the WHO 7 million people die world wide each year because of the air pollution. Sometimes I wonder, are we living at a petrol station, a racing track, the final station of taxis (9 of 10 stop right in front of our house, engine running - taxi drivers must be thinking we live like sardines there, at least 50 in one room), or may be a market place. At least 3 fishmongers try to sell their product, others fruit, vegetable, plastic items, etc. A new neighbour supplies folks around here with his loud music, luckily everybody has got the same taste (?) I miss The Sound of Silence (the new version presented by Disturbed expresses pretty well how we feel from time to time). - A Tunisian working in France has an extra floor added to his house. Seems to be a new fashion, built a little sky scrapper for the bigger and bigger getting family or to rent. The contractor spoils with the liquid cement the ceiling, walls and tiles of the house and terrace next door.
A woman from the neighbourhood informs him that this doesn't matter. The owner doesn't live there, he's got several houses and doesn't care what state they are in. Sounds interesting, she must know him well! But actually none of this is true, the owner has only one house, was flabbergasted and furious.....and apart from: "Hello, how are you," never exchanged any conversation with that woman. Why would she talk such chicken shit? Envy, wanting to show off? One can meet very strange folks. As Einstein once put it: Most stress derives from the daily contact with idiots. Unfortunately one can find them in every country.

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