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Monday 1 October 2018

In Autumn and other Seasons

A man got married and has a lot of stress because his wife has so many wishes. He thinks: I guess I am lucky that I am not a Muslim married to 4 wives. As years go by his wife gets bored, studies at the university and gains a well paid job. The man now thinks: Pity I am not a Muslim married to 4 wives........

Expats are all rich, come from rich families and don't know any poor folks. Really? You wish! But that is what some believe here and they are willing to supply addresses (their own) of those in need. Travelling by taxi with a neighbour's son. The taxi driver decided that I am rich (does he know something I don't?) and suggested to my fellow traveller he should persuade me to support him as he has 5 children and a low income. On other occasions we have been asked by people we hardly know, to contribute to the costs of their operations, medical treatments or other expenses. Nice try. I have previously written about the contributions of expats to the country's economy.  Several have left again on account of the bad reception they received by several ignorant country men, women and children. So sad. - At present residents are not allowed to transfer money out of the country, I guess there are exceptions for imports etc. The country needs money, I wonder if the rich would honestly pay their taxes or even be prepared to support their country according to their abilities..... But this didn't even happen in Greece. Less greed, less corruption, honest politians, a better world, a dream. - In the neighbourhood I found proof of the "Broken windows theory", according to which one is ill advised not to repair damage (like a broken window) done to a building unless one is happy to soon see all windows smashed. In this case it doesn't concerns a broken window, but an unused garage with a damaged door (wrote about it), while several folks dumped their garbage through the hole in the door, an elderly woman decided the pavement in front of this door is just as suitable for her rubbish. Not long afterwards many plastic bags etc appeared there  with litter. By the way within a few minutes walking distance there are garbage containers that are emptied daily (not at all a nice job without gloves or other protective clothes, shoes, I hope the guys receive at least a decent wage). - Some kids now have a bike, but don't think they would cycle to the near beech, no for unknown reasons they prefer to stay within a very small radius, a toddler could walk it. The world is full of surprises. A woman returning from a holiday in Europe stated Tunisia is the best country in the world, yes it can be if we manage to change the mentality of a few. The need for this I heard several folks express. By the way, I must correct myself, I previously said we are very lucky, no extreme weather occurances here, this is no longer quite true unfortunately, at Cap Bon the flooding was severe, did a lot of damage to buildings, swept away cars and even caused death. Via mobile phone and internet there is a call to show solidarity and donate a Dinar (or more). Crowd funding to help the victims, a good idea. We need this attitude. Let us make this country great and teach the ignorant.

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