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Monday 8 October 2018

Postscript In Autumn and other Seasons

Living here for more than 5 years, what has changed? Nothing much I'd say. We've seen kids physically growing up, mentally not so much, not knowing how to spend their time they hang around, doing some damage to our property if they can (looking at it positively, at least they are not lazy). They are strong, bend metal and even manage, with some kind of tool, to make holes in strong metal pieces. Yes, we get a lot of attention! There is a continuation, younger kids have taken over this local "folklore" of throwing stones, yelling like lunatics, demonstrating their disrespect, having problems tolerating cars on the street. Teens riding their motorbikes with one wheel in the air, the younger ones acting likewise with their bikes. Couple of days ago a young man on a motorcycle ignored the right of way of a car whose driver was speeding. The accident was fatal for him. For his funeral service approx. 100 young men turned up plus family, relatives etc. Very sad to see, hopefully they will learn from this the need to avoid dangerous driving. Live fast, die young. In a so called "collective taxi" we once passed a place where a fatal accident happened a few minutes ago. Our driver slowed down for 5 minutes and then carried on his dangerous overtaking. I guess arguing with him while he's driving could also have a negative effect on his driving style. On account of car wheel marks on our house wall we have had a concrete strip made attached to the house wall as a kind of spacer. This was welcomed by local hooligans as a bench. They thanked us by dropping their litter, being very noisy and rude. The strip turned out to be very useful as a "cats' table" for my little guests, but these hooligans were just too much and we had to get it demolished, extra costs so unnecessary. Some folks have pols installed so that cars can't park on their pavement. A neighbour had 5 large brick stones fixed with cement for this purpose, she tried it 4 times, each time 3 or 4 got smashed. I guess revenge for her not accepting footballs being kicked against her wall.We have to always consider hooligans' reaction as well, what is possible in other streets, we often can't do. By the way, the household rubbish that I mentioned before (dumped inside and in front of an empty garage), that what was dumped in plastic bags outside, was picked up by a small rubbish vehicle, loose litter remained and soon attracts more rubbish. - I came here with a lot of good intentions. In the beginning I thought of arranging a street party with finger food and soft drinks for the neighbourhood, thus introducing ourselves and getting to know the folks around here. I further planned to show housewives various techniques of making toys and creating wall hangings, mobile, etc at practically no costs. Some items like that I had successfully sold years ago in my arts and crafts shop in England. Following the hostile reception we partly received, I no longer feel the inclination! Pity, looks like the revolution had a negative effect on some, at least my experience prior was so different. Luckily we also encounter good charming folks, educated, with excellent manners. They are the ray of sunshine that give us hope for a great country. It is possible after all.

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