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Friday 26 October 2018

This is the Life

Father: "Son, I don't want to hear any more of your stupid lies, I want you to be polite and learn good manners, otherwise you won't achieve anything in life." Son: "But I want to become president!" Father: "You are not in the USA here, furthermore you won't inherent millions of Dollars." - For approx. 3 weeks items like milk, butter, several cheeses more or less disappeared from shop shelves. This gave me a chance to discover Arabic butter. I love it, it is not pre-wrapped and tastes very light and fresh. Some of the cheaper cheeses (not talking of soft cheese) lack flavour and my husband wonders "why Tunisians didn't learn from the French how to make tasty cheese".  If yo u spread mustard on top it's not too bad. The Tunisian Camembert is okay and the smoked cheese, in my opinion. Whenever the quality is acceptable, we are happy to buy Tunisian products. But when you like a product, it may well suddenly disappear. It happened with beautiful tiles. "We like to produce new designs every year." What if you wish to replace broken ones? Better buy some as a reserve. In Germany I discovered a shop that bought remaining tiles from various sources and thus offered a chance to find just the one you were looking for. Carrefour supermarket used to sell excellent bred and rolls, an alternative for those who don't want to eat only white bred. If you can attract customers with e.g. such a product, you are likely to sell more items to them at the same time. Lately Carrefour seems to have a new supplier, pity. The small round barley bred sold elsewhere is good. In Kairouan one can find various types of excellent tasty breds. Any white bred should be eaten while crusty and fresh, thus fairly quickly or use a toaster, we don't like wasting bred. Several folks collect old bred which they re-sale for the production of animal food, unfortunately they also re-sell molding bred, which can cause cancer, in animals too. Heating up doesn't make it less harmful. If you keep old bred without plastic it will harden without mold. - A neighbour first had one Alsatian dog on the roof, now there are two. I wonder whether we need regulations that restrict the number of dogs one may keep on the roof. Dogs here seem to be gentle by nature, unfortunately these kids or youngsters believe it's fun to kick/beat dogs or pretend to attack them and then start running. Not surprisingly this makes dogs nervous, if not aggressive and bark a lot. If the owners and kids would instead really care for their dogs, try games without aggression (unless they want fierce dogs),  the situation could be so different. -
When we had a lot of rain I discovered (for the first time) 5 snails with a long shell crawling on my terrace wall, it was the type I previously found in Europe in my aquarium. Since I don't live near a river I presume they arrived together with sand delivered from a river site. - I mentioned before that ignorant folks drop their litter in front of a garage door (and even worse inside) in the neighborhood. The town cleaned the pavement now, repeatedly. They do their best, bravo, but those stupid people appear to be willing to continue the bad habit, even though it's against the laws. If it were my garage, I would put up a notice saying: "You forgot your litter, please leave your address so that I can return it to you and maybe also leave mine in front of your door."

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