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Tuesday 1 January 2019

A Cat's Life isn't Easy

Looking for food, water and shelter young kitten Janina one day discovered my "cats' table". Most of my regular guests accepted her and she decided it's a good place to stay. She demonstrated this by remaining in front of my entrance door and trying to gain access. This I refused on account of my already big fury family who also don't seem to be willing to welcome more newcomers. Not an easy decision for me. One day I discovered Janina suffered from a gum infection. Time to take her to the vet's. It turned out that the little darling had real problems, 5 tooth had to be removed, good grief, she's only 5 months old, the vet estimated.  There is a virus among cats that badly effects the eyes or the teeth. Their immune system appears to be often weak, here more so than in Europe. Winter with rather cold nights takes its toll, coughing and running noses are common. Very sad!  Anyhow I just couldn't put the poor girl outside again and she's so amazing. While we would be in a bit of a state after such an experience at the dentist's, little Janina appeared to be just fine, purring happily. The vet noticed that Janina reacted to me (when I came to pick her up after the operation) with a different voice. "Not the voice we heard before, very unusual". I am proud of my little new treasure and enjoy her company. After 15 days she will need a second injection from the vet, luckily she'll allow me to put her inside the transport box without making much fuzz. I'd wish all cats would be like that. - A woman addressed me: " Have you seen my cat? His fur is yellow. Does he come here for food?" I took her number and said I'd phone her if he turns up. Actually I phoned her twice but she didn't show up. No longer interested? I presume she thinks by drawing my attention to her cat she's done enough and I would take him inside. I am neither rich nor have I got a garden, park or farm. I would love to save all cats and other animals, but this is well beyond my capacities. This woman's poor cat has to cope with cold winter nights and no shelter. I discovered him in the neighbourhood on the roof of an empty house, not knowing how to come down, spending 2 or 3 days and cold nights there. He "talks" to me and complains about his hardship, finding himself suddenly homeless, at least that is my impression. So sad and I can only offer him food and water.  If I would take him inside my house my other tomcats would hit him, even some of my girls might not like the competition and he could make them pregnant (the "family planning operation" for the males costs 50 Dinar at present, for the females 95 Dinar). In addition I regard my in-door cats as a kind of family members, which includes that all medical costs are my responsibility. I'd wish I could do much more for my little treasures and also my homeless friends. I can't reduce my cat food costs, when these little darlings come running to me and look at me with so much trust and expectations in their eyes, how can I disappoint them? By the way, having the tomcat operated is not only one way to reduce the number of unwanted kittens but it also stops your tomcat marking his area (with his urine) and makes him more interested in staying indoors and cuddle with you. A cat's purring can help you to relax and lower a too high blood pressure and last not least prolong your life. Let us appreciate cats as a great gift from heaven.

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