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Friday 25 January 2019

Postscript Time to Celebrate?

Crowds of students in front of a school, teachers once more on strike. On the radio a mother complains, at another school only three students turned up and the teachers send them home, her son is fed up with no lessons and wants to give up school all together. So many strikes, so long holidays, many fear this will result in a lost generation, lacking too much education. Private schools an alternative that many can't afford. Who can take exams? Kids roaming the street, do they know values, respect? Can't be an easy job to teach them. Those with ignorant parents are especially misfortune. Frustration is a bad teacher. Maybe not surprising that most plants in front of a school are either broken or torn out all together. - We  have send a small Christmas present (105 Dinar =  30 Euro) to Germany, via express (29 Dinar) in order to get it there in time. Presents up to a total of 45 Euro (including postage) can be send free of charge for the receptor. We were therefore unpleasantly surprised to hear from our nephew that import tax and customer duty were claimed of him, approx. 35 Euro. What was that? Should his present be bought a second time, this time by he himself? Are we not allowed to make a present?  I found out that as no "bill of freight" (Frachtbrief) was attached, the transport fee was estimated to be double that what we actually paid. A bad joke. So if you want to send a tiny light present to Germany, don't forget to attach a bill of freight and make sure you don't exceed 45 Euro ..
By the way, at the post office in Tunisia customers authorities also have a counter and you have to show them your open parcel for checking. So every package states the correct contends. It is rather surprising (putting it mildly) that in this day and age Germany is not in a position to use a correct valid list of postage charges to work out whatever figures need to be added to the stated value of a parcel - should a "Frachtbrief" (sounds big) not be attached. I've got a fair idea now of what lies ahead for poor Great Britain with their Brexit. 

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