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Sunday 24 February 2019

Living with Cats or Dogs

Two men walking home late at night. First man: "I'd wish I was a mouse, I'd wish I was a mouse." Second man: "You what?" First man: " My wife is frightened of mice....." Thanks to a few cats around here one rarely sees a mouse. Should one appear it wouldn't survive for long. I guess most cats nowadays never saw one anyhow. Amazing how neat and clean cats manage to look without ever taking a bath or shower, but they do spend a lot of time washing themselves or sometimes their friends (this includes me their friendship goes a long way). With most of the food I provide for my little darlings they decide themselves how much they eat. The majority are fairly slim. Jolino, Soleigh and Mallek are overweight and strange, all are white with golden-yellow patches, looking alike, but coming from different families. Living with either dogs or cats for many years I think I gained enough experience to state that they are not stupid. I'd wish I could say the same about some of the kids/youngsters in the neighbourhood. Croquettes that I leave for my homeless sweethearts outside next to my entrance door, got stolen on various occasions in the past, but now everyday, including plastic box. Frankly I am getting a bit fed up with this. I presume the thief either feeds his dog, perhaps his cat, or is just a natural hooligan (we've encountered a few). There are several dogs around here, usually gentle and well behaved, those without a leash walk away when I demand this (without using a stick or stone). Dogs on a leash on the other hand often try to  get underneath cars in order to hunt cats. I guess this is what their owner taught them to do. The other day I noticed that a young lad had tied his big dog to my barrier. When I questioned him he said he wanted to watch football..... Yes, I must not forget, we've got a cross-road football stadium right in front of my house. Perhaps I should try to sell tickets! Springtime will soon start  we should have more sunshine and it's good-bye to those cold and wet nights that were making life hard for all without shelter and/or heating. Haven't seen Margarita for three days now. She's got a gum infection pretty bad. If I don't manage to take her to the dentist's (vet), she will starve to death soon. She is such a lovely gentle white darling, but instinctively knew I wanted to catch her and avoided turning her back to me. We have a dedicated vet, whenever we are not sure a cat is still sober (a requirement for the aestetization) she lets us leave the cat with her overnight. Hyat's mother, golden coloured Alice, also hasn't turned up at the usual feeding times for three days now. Not like them, I can only hope that they are okay and will return soon. Gorgeous Gloria (never saw a greater beauty) and beautiful (all white with blue eyes) Cinderella disappeared for too long now, they are either dead or (a more comfortable thought) found a new family. Tunisians as a rule want very young kittens, but some may make an exception in particular when it comes to very special little treasures. Older cats by the way also make great companions, they tend to sleep more, are more relaxed, know respect and gratitude (the same unfortunately can not be said about a few guys we met). A dog I once had used to walk to the balcony door whenever she wanted to go out. So one day I got off my armchair to fetch her leash but when I returned Tessa was no longer standing in front of the balcony door. Where was she? Surprise, surprise, the clever darling was sitting on my armchair. Not bad.

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