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Thursday 7 March 2019

Those are the Days

If all human beings would act  in accordance with their own sensible interests, this world would be a paradise in comparison to its actual condition. (Bertrand Russell) - I think I hear some loud construction work going on, but no, the engine I hear belongs to an old motorbike. No driver in sight. The engine keeps running idle. Opposite I view an open door of one of those typical little food stores that one can find here at every corner. And there is the environment polluter, an elderly Beduin having a good long chat. I shake my head, surprise, he immediately understands but thinks it's funny when I try to explain that such (totally unnecessary) air pollution caused my chronic cough. He had the engine of his motorbike running idle for 20 minutes. Perhaps he thinks he will be dead anyhow before his cancer can kill him. - One of my cats was screaming on my roof terrace. Wondering what happened I walked upstairs. There I discovered a suprise visitor, a grey tomcat decided to pay my lovely four legged ladies a visit. At first my husband and I wondered who let him in by mistake. The truth is different though. I tried in vain to catch this tomcat (decided to call him "Schlawiner"), a boy from the neighborhood came to help. Finally Schlawiner jumped of the roof onto our awning and from there onto the street. This is not what I wanted and I worried he may have injured himself. Well, he was perfectly fine and returned a few more times. He kept coming and going (whenever he saw me). I guess it would be best to get him operated, if I can catch him that is. It is partly my fault. Not all my ladies are operated, thought it may be enough if the males are, then they can't fall pregnant. But while on heat they shout from the roof that they want to "get engaged", not necessarily to those males already present, living in the same community with them. Looks like I can't save them from having the operation and have to finance the extra expenditure. The alterative would be lots of sweet grey kittens and not knowing how to cope.....

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