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Sunday 3 February 2019

My Mischievous "Children"

When a young lad was advised that if a cat puts her ears flat to the back this means she is not happy, maybe even angry or frightened, he enquired: If I push her ears to the front again, will she then be happy and relaxed?
My Persian (Tunisians call her "Turkish") cat, Amelie, sounds like a bird but she knocks at the door like a man! In the beginning I wondered whether we have a visitor that I wasn't informed of. Adele can imitate the "wuff" of a dog. Diana sounds a bit like a goat.  All have their own individual voice, some high, some deep but none so deep as my late Mucker. He used to climb over my desk through the window on to the balcony. Then he would wait behind the balcony door and demand to be let back in. This he would repeat several times and when I got tired of his game he would be annoyed. One day I had an argument with my husband and Mucker decided to "threaten" him. So sweet my little "iron knight", we both had to laugh. Bijoux discovered how to open the kitchen door, jumping on a cupboard allows her to reach the door handle. I am now waiting for her to learn how to close the door again. As Felicitas and Bijoux suffer from kidney troubles, the vet recommended special croquettes, unfortunately, but not surprisingly, rather expensive. It turned out to be really delicious for cats and all want a share. This we have to deny them and take care the croquettes remain for our two patients, I therefore put a bowl with croquettes inside a round  plastic box with a lid, only to discover later on that this was opened and the contends got "stolen". The strong plastic bag containing most of the three kilo food I had closed with a rubber band, this my cats did not remove, but they slit an opening instead. Cats of course don't steal, helping themselves is a measure nature taught them in order to survive. Anyhow, the vet provided us with a strong square plastic box designed for this type of food and difficult to open. We are so far happy with this solution, our mischievous "children" are not. As all their meals are otherwise secure, they mustn't grumble. Sliding wardrobe doors are great fun, if there isn't enough space to climb inside, not a problem, why not throw out pullovers, t-shirts or other clothing, that can also be fun. So I can't get bored. My little treasures have plenty of ideas. They love to play with balls, football shooting with one of the four legs or handball (leg ball). When I throw a ball in the air, my cats will jump up trying to catch it. Tennis balls create a sound they enjoy. There is nothing like a purring cat thus saying, I am happy to be with you. Adele and Eileen play with other female cats "husband and wife", chasing, jumping on the back, love bite and then just cuddling and more cuddling and more cuddling. Impossible not to love these beautiful fur angels.

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