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Saturday 13 April 2019

Postscript A different World

Prices continue to raise, in particular but not only for imported products like food, equipments, medicine for humans or animals, or croquett etc. from the vet's. In view of the exchange rate, e.g. Euro compared to the Dinar, hardly surprising. Some items are difficult to obtain now, clearance through customs house appears to be a slow procedure. What you can buy may well be determined by the wholesaler rather than the retailer, perhaps someone along the line can't meet the bill. Yet there are still many expensive new cars congesting the roads, frequently bought on credit or leased while others are offered for re-sale. Unlike Europe,  bicycles are out of fashion. Just like in many countries nowadays  folks are not happy with the present situation. I am told students have to buy new books every year. Why should there be such a requirement? Does scientific knowledge effecting school kids change so rapidly? I grew up with school books that were either handed down to younger siblings or sold at a lower price to younger school kids. Since poor families in particular have many children, employing such a system would make sense, wouldn't it? Whatever, if you share your last slice of bread with someone poor, he/she may be grateful or it can make this person greedy and feel you owe him/her a complete loaf of bread, to say the least. A rather strange and disappointing attitude for us. Why can't some folks understand that one doesn't need to be rich in order to have sympathy and share (doesn't the Quran demand this) with humans and perhaps also animals? Who says that all expats come from rich families and have only rich friends? We have been asked by people whom we hardy know to give them money to repair the roof, pay their rent, electricity, gas, medicine, hospital bill, a new machine of some sort, a second-hand motorbike (following a theft), school books, food. Or perhaps give a loan? Never lend any amount that would really hurt you as you can consider yourself very lucky if it ever gets repaid I am told. Better to donate small amounts if you can and forget about repaying. I heard in Russia a man returning to his flat discovered that in the meantime a burglar visited his place. He stole nothing but left a small amount of money with a note saying: I feel sorry for you, you are even poorer than I am! -  How does cats' behaviour differ from that of the folks in our quarter of the town? If I am late "serving their breakfast" they call me and demand their food. But always happy to see their waitress and grateful for being served. The other day I discovered that my lovely Honey is just like Adamo ready to defend me if I get attacked (Bijoux hates getting her nose cleaned or being forced to take her medicine). I guess I don't need a dog to protect me since I am blessed with such gorgeous bodyguards.

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