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Sunday 28 April 2019

My Mother never told me

Madness is something rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, peoples, ages it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche. -
Degaulle once said: "How can one govern a country with 365 different kinds of cheese?" Well, there are not very many locally produced cheeses on the market in Tunisia, I  guess we are very lucky then. Very loud barking of dogs, I go outside to check everything is okay. No dogs in sight, it turns out young kids are imitating a horde of wolves, at an ear-splitting level. The cats on the street are frightened. It is near feeding time. I shout at the kids: "Go home, yell at your place." Four boys approximately 5 or 6 years old, start throwing a handful stones at me. Instant revenge by neglected kids. We do need anti-aggression training and street workers in this part of Sousse, money well spent before the problem grows. There are an amazing amount of school holidays, yet the kids here don't know how to spend their spare time, roaming the streets, playing football all they can think of. The street belongs to them and if they damage the walls of your house? Hard luck, some folks have stopped redecorating over and over again. Since the beech is within walking distance, one cannot say there is no alternative. If you come across well behaved lads, well they usually attend private schools. - A young boy asks me whether I am well. I reply: With all that noise, yelling and shouting, how can I? His friends ask him what did I say? He translates: She is fine.  I guess he thinks if I haven't got other problems I must be. Clever boy! In Germany I discovered nice fruity mini bonbons at a doctor's reception. I couldn't find them in any shops there but here in Tunisia. To my surprise these are actually produced in Kairouan ( the 4th most holly town for Muslims) with many beautiful sites, and famous for various types of excellent bred. Whenever we travel to Kairouan I am surprised how well behaved the children are in comparison. Well, one can find folks in Tunisia with excellent manners and in contrast those who believe in "me first" (Trump style). With so many unemployed why is everyone in a hurry? Those pushing in front ( I advised my husband, if a woman does this, tell her she's lucky your wife doesn't see this, she doesn't tolerate other women touching her husband!) I guess they are the same people who are happy to snatch the taxi you stopped and for which you waited so long before he or she arrived. Most taxi drivers don't care, they drive off with the fittest. More respect for elderly folks would be nice, or do we want an elbow society?

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