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Wednesday 10 April 2019

A Different World

Burglar to tenant: "Don't worry, I am only looking for money." Tenant: "Welcome." Burglar: " You what? " Tenant: "I have been looking for money  in vain around here for a long time. Please let me know if you find any." -  As an expat you are presumed to be rich and able to help folks with financial problems. Even people we hardly know expect aid. Appears to be beyond quite a few guys imagination that persons with modest means try to feed, help and save cats. Guess some feel we are obliged to support them rather than animals. Several requests are amazing (high, but if we sell our house, maybe rent a garage, we could meet some requests, pray that not too many que up and that those left empty handed won't hate us). At least no one asked us for 10 000 Dinar like the man who thought that an old age widow from Germany ought to finance his son's wedding celebration. She employs him from time to time as an interpreter. If you  lend money to a tradesman don't think he will be ready to accept an opportunity to carry out some jobs for you in exchange, "can't afford that, if I work you must pay me." Taxi drivers complain they often get cheated, passengers disappear without paying or on purpose present a 20 or 50 Dinar note for a 1 or 2 Dinar journey. One driver said when this happened in the middle of nowhere he drove that person back to an area with a shop so he could obtain change, in another case he drove the passenger back to where he picked him up and dropped him there. On the 3rd of April we had national sports day. Never saw so many folks walking.....but of course those kids with rich parents continued to travel by taxi to school. What actually happened is the minibus drivers went on strike (because of raising petrol prices), even blocked several roads. Buses reached their destination with some difficulties. We enjoyed the alternative route, more nature, some beautiful houses. Concerning bureaucracy I often feel Kafka's book "The Trail" is used for training here. But those in the administration section appear to be honest and won't even accept minor thank-you presents nowadays, as far as I know. I remember when custom's at the airport asked for shampoo or chocolate - that was before the revolution. Some positive change!

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