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Thursday 30 May 2019

Don't Worry, Could be Worse

If you never leave the house, you'll think mother's cooking is the best. (West African saying)
Ramadan is a Holly month, religious people fasten from sun rise until sun set, don't smoke and even with hot weather don't drink anything. This is mend to give them a feeling of what it is like to be poor. Working like that isn't easy. Those who can afford it work reduced hours, e.g. half day. Less cafes and restaurants are open during the day as only tourists are mend to come. Poor folks can hope for a small donation, just like Christians do around Christmas (for various charity purposes, including animals and environmental protection). Last meal before the sun rises means late extended nights not only for adults. Youngsters and even very small kids, only 3 or 4 years old, are out on the street, lack of sleep gives them additional energy, (screaming, running, acting like hooligans) should it be good for their development though, then they must be quite different from let's say European kids. I am under the impression that those who are not religious are often specially misbehaving during Ramadan. Even if you can say no, no, no in Arabic (le le le), they don't understand you. When we first arrived a lady from the neighbourhood's advised us never to give any presents, not even bonbons to the kids here, as they "would always chase you, demanding more, they don't know any limits". It seemed to be strange, in view of several children coming from poor families. But  we didn't have any experience with neglected kids who are out on the street all day, those who attend school often before and straight after school, mainly playing football. On the radio a father complained that by end of May this year there were only two months of school. As a kid (until today) I loved my books, learnt a lot without noticing, pity they don't know the joy of reading. Those growing up with ignorant parents are highly unlikely to find books at home, but most probably will receive some cheap plastic toys instead. - Scientists tested what is most important for cats: food, toys or the company of their human friend. The result didn't come as a surprise to me, I experience it every day, they are so loyal and love to be with us (if not abused). This is why cats don't like closed doors. Whenever I closed the bathroom door behind me, my late Filou used to sit in front of the door and complain. Another time as I was about to enter my apartment, a neighbour addressed me, we discussed politics while my Mucker was waiting for me on the other side of the door. I obviously took too long for his liking, so he started to hit the door, sweet darling. One day when I returned home a few hours later than usually, my cat punished me by not allowing me to stroke his soft fur - at least for 10 minutes! The kitchen of this house here is much too small. All our cats want to join us there. Luckily there is more space on the terrace but the weather is not always inviting. "The more I come to know people, the more I love animals" (Erich Kaestner).

Sunday 26 May 2019

Until the Cows come Home

"And it's so wonderful here I feel quite dizzy" August Macke wrote of his fortnight trip to Tunisia April 1914 together with his 2 painter friends Paul Klee and Luis Moillet. They visited Tunis, Hammamet and Kairouan. The Medina in Tunis (world heritage) has 700 monuments, including palaces, mosques, mausoleums, masjids, fountains, dating from period of almohad and hafsid. The paintings of the aforementioned artists resulting from their trip to Tunisia became famous as "Die Tunisreise" . Strange, I have yet to meet any Tunisian who heard of August Macke, his beautiful paintings and those the other two painters did of Tunisia. Pity, many tourists only come here for the sunshine, the beech and low hotel prices. Though lately with all that climate change, Moscow has the same or occasionally even a higher temperature than Tunis. I joke those tourists from Russia all took a bit of sunshine back home, that's why. Anyhow, great to have more sun again and less sneezing of my little treasures on four legs. The cats here are so beautiful, well worth viewing as well. A young lady told me her English teacher adviced her to never use he or she when talking about a cat, thus making a living creature a "thing", doesn't sound very bright to me, wonder how a vet could work with her way of thinking. We achieved less stone throwing at cats but the stealing of cats' food (which I donate for those homeless) continues. The other day I secured a pot outside with a lock and chain in order to stop this theft, only to discover that breaking a lock is just another talent for some.
August Macke: View of a Mosque 1914
 Merchant with Jugs
                             Man on a donkey

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Postscript My Gorgeous Cats

"Men, children, cats, I treat them all the same," an European woman once said. - When we first arrived a lot of cats came to our house, "introducing" themselves as possible community members. We decided to welcome Amira as our number one. Good at climbing on all sorts of roofs (not always easy for me to watch) this lovely gentle white, brown and orange coloured darling moved in with us. She got "engaged" several times before we had her sterilised. On 24th of May 2013 she gave birth to 1 male (black and brown streamed Tiger) and 3 female kittens (golden/white Sandy, mainly white with golden spots, Soleigh and Bijoux copy of her mum). It is quite common that kittens of different fathers are born on the same day and one of them resembles her mother. Amira remained the only cat living with us with her children, all others we had to have operated at an earlier stage in order to avoid overcrowding. As we discussed a little party (with sardines) to celebrate the forthcoming birthdays, Amira disappeared. We searched for her everywhere in the neighbourhood's, all in vain. I then decided to create a leaflet with her photo and point out that she is likely to be stuck somewhere in a room after walking through an open door. As an incentive to look for her we offered a reward. This worked before. We hardly started to distribute Amira's leaflet when she returned to our great delight. Did she see the leaflet, recognise her picture? A little girl discovered Amira underneath a car (I had checked there again and again....), where she stayed before we still don't know. Amira was very thirsty, a little bit hungry, had lost some weight but otherwise looked as neat as ever. Having our lovely little treasure back surely made our day! We are so happy to hear her purring, stroke her soft fur. Life isn't always easy, but it is important to appreciate what one has got.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

My Gorgeous Cats

"I do not like it." Why? - "I am not up to it." -  "Has anyone ever answered like that." (  Friedrich Nietzsche)
If you have many cats you never sit alone. Sometimes they give me the feeling my lap is not big enough, just as well their foster father is around also and there is additional space at our feet or shoulders. We get plenty of a warm welcome every morning or whenever we return home. Purring, cuddling, maybe "a wash", cats have so much love and appreciation to give. Those who believe in throwing stones at cats (or dogs), abusing animals, don't know what they are missing. Not all cats are the same, in that respect they are not unlike us. Lovely black Burma breed Lilly demonstrates that she loves her foster mum and dad equally. When we go to bed she joins us and wants to cuddle with us  before going to sleep. We share the bedroom as well with Tiger and his golden coloured sister Sandy.  Thus we possess the most beautiful alarm clock in the world. In the morning feeding our "children" takes first priority. The less fortunate homeless cats, regular guests to our "cats' table" are already waiting for their breakfast. If I am a bit late, they call me, singing all together. A quick count, maybe 2 or 5 missing, hopefully turning up a bit later. Strange, on some days my little treasures (those indoors and outdoors) are very hungry, on others not exactly. Most stray cats' life expectancy amounts to only 3 years, many don't survive the first 3 months, quite a few get run over. Cats' gum and teeth often cause problems, already for fairly young little darlings. The price they have to pay for living with us or from the food we throw away. I haven't seen gorgeous Gloria (the most beautiful cat I've ever seen, a great mother and perfectly gentle) for a long time, she unfortunately had to make space for Alice who was about to give birth right in front of my door steps, just like Esperanza. Both also disappeared, returned after 2 or 3 weeks, but then disappeared again. Hopefully having now a new family elsewhere. If you like noble purebred cats, you can find them here, some purebred to a lesser degree, but still obvious the Persian gene, strange, they are homeless. When we first arrived, we could hardly trust our eyes, all these beauties out on the street? Hayet, daughter of Esperanza, has black fur with what looks like blond streaks. Whenever we accept a new-comer, we have to insure the sweetheart gets along with the others. Unfortunately we have to say further additions aren't possible. It depresses me to keep finding helpless little kittens in front of our house, folks who can't  or don't want to keep them, appear to think we are in a position to provide unlimited help. They mean well but overestimate our abilities. Anyhow, lately golden coloured Johnny, black and white Melanie (both with long fur) and white (bit of black on the face and black tail, looks really cute) Leila. They run fast and I have to ensure that they don't have different kinds of food as this quickly leads to diarrhoea, their intestine is so sensitive. Nature taught the little ones they need to be tough in order to survive. Those who grow up with their mother can be more relaxed. Anyhow, kitten Johnny decided to lay on top of the food bowl, "all his" and inform the big cats that they better not mess around with him. My husband even watched him making the famous cats' hunchback, then jumping sideways in order to make believe this is his front view and thus impress by his big size. Quite a boy!