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Thursday 30 May 2019

Don't Worry, Could be Worse

If you never leave the house, you'll think mother's cooking is the best. (West African saying)
Ramadan is a Holly month, religious people fasten from sun rise until sun set, don't smoke and even with hot weather don't drink anything. This is mend to give them a feeling of what it is like to be poor. Working like that isn't easy. Those who can afford it work reduced hours, e.g. half day. Less cafes and restaurants are open during the day as only tourists are mend to come. Poor folks can hope for a small donation, just like Christians do around Christmas (for various charity purposes, including animals and environmental protection). Last meal before the sun rises means late extended nights not only for adults. Youngsters and even very small kids, only 3 or 4 years old, are out on the street, lack of sleep gives them additional energy, (screaming, running, acting like hooligans) should it be good for their development though, then they must be quite different from let's say European kids. I am under the impression that those who are not religious are often specially misbehaving during Ramadan. Even if you can say no, no, no in Arabic (le le le), they don't understand you. When we first arrived a lady from the neighbourhood's advised us never to give any presents, not even bonbons to the kids here, as they "would always chase you, demanding more, they don't know any limits". It seemed to be strange, in view of several children coming from poor families. But  we didn't have any experience with neglected kids who are out on the street all day, those who attend school often before and straight after school, mainly playing football. On the radio a father complained that by end of May this year there were only two months of school. As a kid (until today) I loved my books, learnt a lot without noticing, pity they don't know the joy of reading. Those growing up with ignorant parents are highly unlikely to find books at home, but most probably will receive some cheap plastic toys instead. - Scientists tested what is most important for cats: food, toys or the company of their human friend. The result didn't come as a surprise to me, I experience it every day, they are so loyal and love to be with us (if not abused). This is why cats don't like closed doors. Whenever I closed the bathroom door behind me, my late Filou used to sit in front of the door and complain. Another time as I was about to enter my apartment, a neighbour addressed me, we discussed politics while my Mucker was waiting for me on the other side of the door. I obviously took too long for his liking, so he started to hit the door, sweet darling. One day when I returned home a few hours later than usually, my cat punished me by not allowing me to stroke his soft fur - at least for 10 minutes! The kitchen of this house here is much too small. All our cats want to join us there. Luckily there is more space on the terrace but the weather is not always inviting. "The more I come to know people, the more I love animals" (Erich Kaestner).

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