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Tuesday 14 May 2019

My Gorgeous Cats

"I do not like it." Why? - "I am not up to it." -  "Has anyone ever answered like that." (  Friedrich Nietzsche)
If you have many cats you never sit alone. Sometimes they give me the feeling my lap is not big enough, just as well their foster father is around also and there is additional space at our feet or shoulders. We get plenty of a warm welcome every morning or whenever we return home. Purring, cuddling, maybe "a wash", cats have so much love and appreciation to give. Those who believe in throwing stones at cats (or dogs), abusing animals, don't know what they are missing. Not all cats are the same, in that respect they are not unlike us. Lovely black Burma breed Lilly demonstrates that she loves her foster mum and dad equally. When we go to bed she joins us and wants to cuddle with us  before going to sleep. We share the bedroom as well with Tiger and his golden coloured sister Sandy.  Thus we possess the most beautiful alarm clock in the world. In the morning feeding our "children" takes first priority. The less fortunate homeless cats, regular guests to our "cats' table" are already waiting for their breakfast. If I am a bit late, they call me, singing all together. A quick count, maybe 2 or 5 missing, hopefully turning up a bit later. Strange, on some days my little treasures (those indoors and outdoors) are very hungry, on others not exactly. Most stray cats' life expectancy amounts to only 3 years, many don't survive the first 3 months, quite a few get run over. Cats' gum and teeth often cause problems, already for fairly young little darlings. The price they have to pay for living with us or from the food we throw away. I haven't seen gorgeous Gloria (the most beautiful cat I've ever seen, a great mother and perfectly gentle) for a long time, she unfortunately had to make space for Alice who was about to give birth right in front of my door steps, just like Esperanza. Both also disappeared, returned after 2 or 3 weeks, but then disappeared again. Hopefully having now a new family elsewhere. If you like noble purebred cats, you can find them here, some purebred to a lesser degree, but still obvious the Persian gene, strange, they are homeless. When we first arrived, we could hardly trust our eyes, all these beauties out on the street? Hayet, daughter of Esperanza, has black fur with what looks like blond streaks. Whenever we accept a new-comer, we have to insure the sweetheart gets along with the others. Unfortunately we have to say further additions aren't possible. It depresses me to keep finding helpless little kittens in front of our house, folks who can't  or don't want to keep them, appear to think we are in a position to provide unlimited help. They mean well but overestimate our abilities. Anyhow, lately golden coloured Johnny, black and white Melanie (both with long fur) and white (bit of black on the face and black tail, looks really cute) Leila. They run fast and I have to ensure that they don't have different kinds of food as this quickly leads to diarrhoea, their intestine is so sensitive. Nature taught the little ones they need to be tough in order to survive. Those who grow up with their mother can be more relaxed. Anyhow, kitten Johnny decided to lay on top of the food bowl, "all his" and inform the big cats that they better not mess around with him. My husband even watched him making the famous cats' hunchback, then jumping sideways in order to make believe this is his front view and thus impress by his big size. Quite a boy!

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