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Sunday 26 May 2019

Until the Cows come Home

"And it's so wonderful here I feel quite dizzy" August Macke wrote of his fortnight trip to Tunisia April 1914 together with his 2 painter friends Paul Klee and Luis Moillet. They visited Tunis, Hammamet and Kairouan. The Medina in Tunis (world heritage) has 700 monuments, including palaces, mosques, mausoleums, masjids, fountains, dating from period of almohad and hafsid. The paintings of the aforementioned artists resulting from their trip to Tunisia became famous as "Die Tunisreise" . Strange, I have yet to meet any Tunisian who heard of August Macke, his beautiful paintings and those the other two painters did of Tunisia. Pity, many tourists only come here for the sunshine, the beech and low hotel prices. Though lately with all that climate change, Moscow has the same or occasionally even a higher temperature than Tunis. I joke those tourists from Russia all took a bit of sunshine back home, that's why. Anyhow, great to have more sun again and less sneezing of my little treasures on four legs. The cats here are so beautiful, well worth viewing as well. A young lady told me her English teacher adviced her to never use he or she when talking about a cat, thus making a living creature a "thing", doesn't sound very bright to me, wonder how a vet could work with her way of thinking. We achieved less stone throwing at cats but the stealing of cats' food (which I donate for those homeless) continues. The other day I secured a pot outside with a lock and chain in order to stop this theft, only to discover that breaking a lock is just another talent for some.
August Macke: View of a Mosque 1914
 Merchant with Jugs
                             Man on a donkey

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